31 Proven Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

31 Proven Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Weight loss can be achieved with diet and exercise. But to maintaining a particular diet along with workouts could be difficult. However, there are many proven ways with which you can cut calories with ease. These ways could be effective for weight loss and help to prevent weight gain in future. Here are 31 proven ways which help a person to lose weight without exercise. Read also: 9 Days Flat Belly Challenge By Simply Fit Me

1. Chew thoroughly and slow down

When a person chews food thoroughly it makes us eat slowly. Slow eating is associated with decreased food intake and increases the feeling of fullness. This way small portions are consumed which leads to weight loss and also prevents weight gain in future. To get into a habit try counting the amount you chew the food.

2. Small plates can be used to serve unhealthy foods

It’s quite common that when small portions of food are consumed are served on big plates a person tends to take more. This way try to use smaller plates when eating junk so that the brain tricks us that we are having enough. In the same way, use bigger plates when eating healthy so that it could satisfy as well as lead to weight loss.

3. Intake plenty of protein

Eating protein has many roles. It makes us full and regulates appetite as well. It even helps to cut down calorie intake which can lead to weight loss. If grains are consumed in breakfast it’s advisable to switch to protein foods to avoid unnecessary cravings.


  • Chicken breasts
  • Eggs
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Fish
  • Lentils quinoa
  • Almonds
  • Mushrooms
  • Soy-based products etc.

4. Storage of unhealthy foods out of sight

Seeing unhealthy foods can make a person tend to eat more and satisfy their cravings. This leads to weight gain. Try to keep unhealthy foodstuffs out of sight such as on cupboards or shelves so that when hungry it doesn’t come into use. Keep healthy foods visible so that weight loss can be achieved along with maintenance. Read more: 7 Days Fruit Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Healthy snacks options

  • Fox nuts
  • Fruits
  • Finger vegetables
  • Roasted Bengal gram with raisins
  • Handful of nuts
  • Consume fibre-rich foods

5. Consume Fibre-rich Foods

According to many studies intake of fibre can make a person feel full and can lead to weight loss. Viscous fibre helps to achieve weight loss as it forms a gel-like consistency when formed with water. This type of fibre is found in plant foods. It helps to increase nutrient absorption and slows down the emptying of the stomach.

Sources of fibre

  • Beans
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Oranges
  • Flax seeds

6. Stay Hydrated

Drinking more water can make a person eat less food and lose weight. Make a habit of consuming a glass of water before your meals. Water doesn’t count the intake of frizzy drinks and juices which are high in sugars. Plain or warm water is best recommended for weight loss. Avoid fizzy drinks which shoot up calories and could lead to weight gain.

7. Consume small portions of food

When a person see food it automatically gorge on. Large portion sizes can increase the person’s capacity and could lead to weight gain. Make a habit of serving smaller food portions, especially when dining out so that weight gain is avoided and fewer calories can be consumed. Read more: Cinnamon For Weight Loss: Benefits & Recipes

8. Stay NO to Electronic Distractions

The use of social devices or while watching TV can make a person eat more as they don’t realize how much they are eating. This leads to weight gain. While eating it’s important to pay attention to how much you are eating so that a person can eat less and lose weight with ease.

9. Sleep Well and avoid stress

Many people don’t consider sleep that important and lead stress full life. But in fact, both these things are very important in order to lose weight. When a person lacks sleep appetite-regulating hormones such as leptin and ghrelin are elevated and cortisol hormone is even increased. Whit this a person craves unhealthy foods and consumes more calories. Have at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep in order to avoid weight gain.

10. Eliminate sugary drinks

Consuming sugary drinks is one of the worst things a person can do. Liquid calories such as sodas and fruit juices can make a person gain weight easily as it provides more calories than a meal. Try to avoid them. Healthier options are the consumption of water, green tea, black coffee and black tea which can help to lose weight without exercise.

11. Switch from Canola oil to extra virgin olive oil

Vegetable oils like canola and soya bean oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids which can land a person into a state of inflammation that causes weight gain. Olive oil is the best oil to be used as it contains oleic acid which helps to reduce appetite and could lead to weight loss.

12. Opt for 2%

There’s a thinking that opting for fat-free milk can help you to achieve a fat-free body. This is not true. According to the European Journal of Nutrition, a study participants who ate full-fat dairy weighed less than those who opted for fat-free products. According to experts, non-fat foods can be less satisfying. Moreover, fat-free foods are made with waist-widening artificial ingredients.

13. Stock up a snack in your bag

When a person skips lunch he or she tends to eat more during snacks. This leads to the consumption of extra calories causing weight gain. The reason is when a person doesn’t eat body goes into starvation mode and increases the production of hunger hormones. In order to avoid overeating always carry a healthy snack which can avoid overeating.

14. Make at least one of your meals meatless

According to the University of Copenhagen, vegan proteins can be more satisfying than meat ones and makes a person feel more full. In a research where participants who ate vegetarian high protein meals consumed 12 % fewer calories in their next meal than those who ate meals.

15. Prepare your own meals

When a person prepares their own meals they can easily cut calories and can maintain their weight or either lose it. A standard lunch should contain 400 calories and when we prepare we know how many calories it contains. When we eat at restaurants the food contains an average of 1000 calories which can lead to weight gain.

16. Opt for colourful meals

Prepare your meals to be picture-perfect so that it encourages others to eat healthy foods. Fill your plates with more fresh fruits and vegetables. According to a study published in the journal of Health Psychology when participants prepared their own food, it was more satisfying than having meals prepared by others. Self-preparation can lead to calorie control which can promote weight loss.

17. Always sub fries for a side salad

When ordering your favourite burger always ask for a side salad. This can save you 150 calories and you can half fill yourself with fresh vegetables as they contain fibre. It even helps to improve the digestive system apart from cutting down on calories which help to lose weight without exercise.

18. Pass on “DIET” foods

Diet foods are trending in the market. Although they are loaded with artificial sugars like aspartame and sucralose but contain fewer calories than sugary drinks. According to studies, there is no evidence that sugar-free alternatives can prevent weight gain but still, they can trigger sweet receptors in the brain. Diet drinks can make a person lead to overconsumption of foods, researchers argue.

19. Reassesses your dietary adversaries

There are many food allergies which can disturb a person such as gluten intolerance, dairy or refined grains. We might think it’s not a great deal to push your body to limits but it actually is. When any allergic food is consumed it can disrupt the digestive system and can cause extra inflammation. This internally weakens the immune system causing weight gain. Thereby try to avoid such foods and see a nutritionist.

20. Be boring

There is no need to experiment with new things or recipes from magazines. In fact, try to switch to a routine that can be less tedious and less time-consuming too. Find easy-to-go healthy recipes which are easy to stick to and can lose weight without exercise.

21. Take a hike

Gymming can leave a person boring. In fact, you can skip the gym and opt for outdoor activities as a person can burn more calories. According to Environmental Science and Technology, outdoor workouts give greater sense than walking on a treadmill alone. More calories can be burned with outdoor hikes and can lead to better weight loss. Read more: How To Lose Weight Fast 10 Kgs In 2 Weeks

22. Skip the bread basket

No doubt dinner rolls are quite tempting but they can lead to greater consumption of calories. Try avoiding bread baskets and opt for a healthy green salad. If it’s too hard to leave try munching some nuts before leaving home so that you remain satiated which can lead to a better weight loss as fewer calories are consumed.

23. Eat a larger breakfast and a smaller dinner

It’s quite common to know that in order to lose weight a person needs to eat less before bedtime. Even if huge calories are consumed during breakfast a person can easily burn them with a good physical activity throughout the day. Dinner should be eaten 2 to 3 hours prior to bedtime too in portion control so that a person can lose weight easily without exercise.

24. Do not skip breakfast

Many people think that not eating breakfast can help a person lose weight. But this is actually wrong. When a person skips breakfast it loads up more calories at another meal and even more in the latter part of the day which can lead to weight gain. Instead, opt for a healthy breakfast so that a healthy weight is maintained.

25. Switch from white potatoes to sweet potatoes

Although there is not much difference in calorie, sweet potato is more nutritious than white ones. This is because sweet potatoes contain satiety proteins and belly-filling fibre along with 11 times more intake of vitamin A. so what could be better than this. Even great snacks can be prepared with sweet potato which can lead to weight loss.

26. Plate your meals properly

When you are trying to lose weight what you eat matters a lot. Try arranging a more balanced and healthy plate. Two third of your plate should be filled with good quality proteins and one-third should be filled with healthy carbs such as sweet potato, whole grains and lentils.

27. Know when to snack

Snacking is important during weight loss but one should actually know even when to snack. According to a study published in the Journal of American Dietetic Association, mid-morning snackers typically ate more over the day than evening snackers. If you snack heavily during the evenings try avoiding heavy dinners so that calories get adjusted.

28. Love lemons

Lemon is highly recommended during weight loss as they are an excellent source of vitamin C. This vitamin has the power to reduce stress levels and prevent weight gain. In fact, it helps to avoid unnecessary cravings and keep a person full. Try opting for lemon water on an empty stomach to cut fat loss and helps to lose weight without exercise. Read more: She Fit: Weight Loss App For Beginners

29. Embrace Beans

In a recent study published in the American Journal of clinical Nutrition, even if one serving of beans are eaten on daily basis then it could helps to add fibre in diet that can lead to weight loss. They are good sources of fibre, low in carbs and are rich in proteins. It helps a person easily to shed its weight.

30. Go for herbal teas

Tae and coffee are packed with milk and sugars which can cause weight gain. Instead try soothing beverages like lemon tea, ginger tea or cinnamon tea and mint tea. Such teas can monitor blood sugar levels and can lead to weight loss too.

31. Instead of pasta go for zucchini noodles

Pasta are made of white flour which can disrupt your digestive systems and can lead to weight gain. Instead go for zucchini noodles so that it cuts down empty carbs and helps a person to lose weight without exercise. They are rich in vitamins and fibre too.

The above ways mentioned are easy to maintain and can help a person lose and maintain weight even if some one is not opting for physical activity. They are basically life style modifications and healthy eating habits which can help a person to monitor weight even if not practising any physical activity. There are certain portion control methods too which can help a person to cut down extra calories which can lead to weight loss.

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