Belly fat is a great concern for many people. It’s a type of visceral fat that surrounds the belly area. This fat can be hard to treat as it takes time. A consistent diet and workout could help. In order to lose belly fat, it’s important to consume a high protein diet that will help to keep satisfied throughout the day. Here is a 9 days flat belly challenge along with a workout, which could help you to lose fat. This plan should be followed with disciplined exercise in order to achieve faster results. Read also:15 Days Keto Diet & Workouts Plan for Weight Loss
Lifestyle management also plays an important role in fat loss. Stressful lifestyle, lack of sleep, extreme dieting, wrong kind of workouts, inflammation, and aging. All these factors couldn’t help a person to lose fat.
Any workouts preferred to lose belly fat, visible differences could be noticed within 4 to 6 weeks. It also depends upon how much fat is stored and how much has to be lost. A safe and sustainable weight loss ratio is 1 – 2lbs.
Overnight results couldn’t be noticed. Start by eating clean foods and say NO to junk foods, fries, sodas, and even reduce the amount of food you eat. If a person consumes less food than the body burns then only a person can lose weight
Doing a workout more frequently will not give you quicker results. Workouts should be a combination of total body workouts and specific ones in order to burn excess fat. It should be followed with a clean diet. Allow the muscles to rest and recover continuously.
According to research and studies, whey protein Is highly recommended in order to ease the fat loss. This supplement helps to build more lean muscle mass throughout the body. It even helps to burn calories at a higher rate.
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