Bulgur Wheat Nutritional Facts & Benefits

Bulgur Wheat Nutritional Facts & Benefits

Bulgur wheat commonly called as Dalia. It is a very popular ingredient which is used quite often. Bulgur is nutritious in nature and offers many health benefits. When compared with other refined wheat products bulgur wheat has more nutritional value. It contains many vitamins and minerals and also good amounts of fibre in it. When compared with other cereals such as brown rice, quinoa bulgur wheat is slightly lower in calories. It is also a good source of manganese, magnesium and iron too. Apart from providing many vitamins and minerals it also eliminates the risk of diseases and provides improved digestion.

Nutritional Value Of Bulgur Wheat Per 100 grams

  • Calories: 152 k. Calories
  • Protein: 5.3 grams
  • Fibre: 1.4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 27.7 grams

Health Benefits Of Bulgur Wheat

  • Bulgur wheat can become an important part of meal for health conscious persons. This whole grain is an important source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Bulgur wheat can helps us in achieving sustainable weight loss goals because it stands lower on calories and fat side.
  • The fibre content of bulgur wheat helps us to keep full for longer periods of time thus cutting down the calorie content.
  • Studies published in NCBI claims that bulgur wheat can help to lower the blood sugar levels especially who are type 2 diabetic.
  • Bulgur wheat being a good source of fibre also helps in relieving the persons against constipation because the dietary fibre can move smoothly through the digestive tract.
  • Bulgur wheat have a significant level of zinc in it. This mineral has been linked to a stronger immune response in the body. Bulgur wheat meets 20% of the daily requirements of zinc.
  • Bulgur wheat have antioxidant properties which can eliminate the inflammation of the body and improves the phytonutrients profile.
  • Quite impressive amounts of magnesium is found in bulgur wheat which has in relaxing the neurotransmitter of the body for achieving a sound sleep.
  • Among the other grains bulgur wheat has the lowest carbs in it. The total carbohydrate content in 100 grams is only 76 grams.
  • Bulgur wheat is not gluten free in nature and cannot be opted by persons who are on gluten free diet.
  • The potassium levels found in bulgur wheat avoid the strain on arteries which helps us in maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
  • Bulgur wheat can be named as a real bone booster because of the presence of minerals in it. The presence of manganese, phosphorus and iron are quite effective in slowing down the onset of osteoporosis.

Healthy Receipe With Bulgur Wheat

Bulgur Wheat Idli Recipe

Take one cup of bulgur wheat wash it well and soak with enough water for about 4 hours. Then take about half cup of udad dal wash it well. Soak it along with half teaspoon of methi seeds for about 4 hours. After 4 hours grind the mixture of bulgur wheat and dal separately. Now mix both the batters and add half teaspoon of salt to it. Ferment it good for about 8 hours. After 8 hours give a stir and line up in the Idli moulds which are greased with oil. Allow it to cook properly for 10 to 12 minutes. Your healthy Idli with bulgur  wheat is ready to serve with chutney.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is bulgur wheat better than white rice?
  • Yes, bulgur wheat is better than white rice because it has more nutrients and vitamins when compared to rice. The fibre content is also high in bulgur wheat.

  • Why bulgur is so healthy?
  • It is healthy because of its fibre content and also packed with more nutrients and antioxidants. It can be easily added to many dishes in different varieties.

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