How Psyllium Husk Will Help You Lose Weight

How Psyllium Husk Will Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss is a challenging task. However, if this challenge carried in a desired and planned manner then it will help you out in working. Psyllium husk is the most common kitchen ingredient that has multiple uses to offer. In today’s article we will discuss how this common ingredient, psyllium husk helps you in weight loss.

Firstly we will know what is Psyllium Husk?

Psyllium husk commonly known as Isabgol which derived from the husks of Plantago Ovatas plant seeds. It is a type of soluble fiber. The main role which it offers is it helps in curing constipation by acting as a laxative.

It is beneficial for pancreas, heart and gut. It is available in different forms such as in form of husk granules, powder or even capsules. Its mainly used as dietary supplement by different people around the world.

It helps in working out in digestion as it is highly absorbent in nature. Upon water absorption, this husk turns into a thick, viscous compound. Apart from digestion, Psyllium husk also helps in regulating blood glucose levels. Cholesterol and tri glycerides also regulated.

How Psyllium Husk Works For Weight Loss?

Dietary fiber is a fiber which we eat. The natural parts of fruits and vegetables considered as fibre. Meat and dairy products are low in fiber content. Fibre plays a major role in weight loss as it imparts the feeling of fullness to the stomach.

Psyllium husk is a great way of dietary fiber that very beneficial for the body. Fibres categorized as:

  1. Soluble fiber
  2. Insoluble fiber

Soluble fibre:

Psyllium husk contains soluble fibre in them. They are high in soluble fibre. They dissolve easily in water and absorbs them completely.

The fibre digested slowly in digestive system when it absorbs water. When it slowly digests the sugar which is present in the food takes long time to reach blood steam. This is what it helps for people who have diabetes as sugars will not raise in blood.

When insulin spiked in body the hunger cravings increases and fat loss inhibited. This is the reason why we feel hungry after consuming sugary foods. Soluble fiber also binds with fatty acids.

The way Psyllium husk works for weigh loss is that it ensures the feeling of fullness in the stomach. It also makes us feel less hungry. The presence of soluble fibre in Psyllium husk absorbs water in digestive tract. The fiber absorbs water upon absorption. It increases in volume and expands in stomach. This helps us in keeping full for longer periods of time.

Soluble Fibre And The Gut Function:

According to scientific studies, our gut has a major role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If our gut is healthy then health problems such as Obesity, diabetes and cholesterol reduced to much extent. Psyllium husk has a detoxifying effect on our body.

The presence of soluble fibre in Psyllium husk promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora. The gut microbes play a major role in health conditions.

When we include Psyllium husk in our diet for weight loss, the healthy bacteria feed on soluble fibre in Psyllium husk. Acetate released as a by product when bacteria eats fibre. Some metabolic responses released from brain which signals us to stop eating and reduces the desires to eat.

How To Take Psyllium Husk For Weight loss?

  • Psyllium husk are available in variety forms. It is available in husk forms or in capsule forms.
  • Any form they are consumed the results which they will offer will be same.
  • When Psyllium husk are consumed in capsule forms it is much more easy to consume as there is no need to mix in water. But it will add up budget to your pocket.
  • Psyllium husk also comes in a bag form which can be easily carried anytime and any where.
  • These husk bags can be mixed with beverages or meals.
  • Psyllium husk is also sold in a more refined form which is covered under good brand standards. These easily gets dissolved and have some added flavorings in them.

How Much Psyllium Husk Can Be Consumed?

  • When you are introducing first time to your body try to eat in small doses. If it gets adjusted to your body and doesn’t cause any discomfort then slowly you can increase the doses.
  • A high fiber is which have a fiber content of 25 to 30 grams in it. The main aim of supplementing your food with Psyllium husk is to add fiber in your diet.
  • Some good brands of Psyllium husk mentions on packaging how much to take in diet. But as a part of general rule it is ideal to consume Psyllium husk up to half to 2 teaspoon per day.
  • Do not consume more than 30 grams each day.
  • If you are increasing the quantity then try consultation with your physician for best recommendations.

Different Ways Psyllium Husk Helps In Weight Loss

It offers many health benefits to the body. Here are different ways with which Psyllium husk helps in losing weight.

  • Low  calorie Content: For losing weight, there is a simple formula that less calories should be consumed. Calorie deficit is very important for losing weight as calorie burning is most important for weight loss. Only 2 tablespoons just give you about 32 k.calories but at the same time also helps you in filling the stomach. The amount which you will be consuming will act as a daily fiber supplement for weight loss.
  • It helps in reducing hunger to a much greater extent: Psyllium husk can be consumed before or after meals. If it is consumed before meals it makes you full easily when you start eating food. When Psyllium husk is mixed with water it swells up 10 times of its original weight which makes us feel full very easily. Our appetite is also regulated to a much extent.
  • Psyllium husk helps in cleansing colon: Gastro intestinal health is very important when it comes to being healthy. Psyllium husk acts as a great colon Cleanser. It helps in building body’s endurance level which boosts our immunity system. This way our body loses weight in a much effective manner.
  • Presence of Fibre: Psyllium husk is a good source of fiber. It acts as a great fibre supplement. It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber in it. Fibre helps in enabling smooth Bowel movements which is very crucial for weight loss.
  • It helps in fighting against body’s bulge: Psyllium husk is great for cleansing colon and improves our digestive system. Our immunity is strengthened enough and a strong body’s resistance is maintained. This way there is less chance of fat gain and we burn less body fat and lose weight easily.

Possible Side Effects:

If introducing for first time and if you take more than the recommended amount then it could lead you to possible side effects. Since the role of Psyllium husk is to mainly act as a laxative which creates an intestinal bulk in the diet.

Some noticeable side effects are:

  • Abdominal pain along with cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Lose stools
  • More frequently Bowel movements
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach pain

Very rare risks are also seen upon consuming Psyllium husk. Such as:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Itching
  • Skin rashes
  • Swelling is seen around face and throat area
  • Vomiting’s

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Psyllium husk helps in reducing belly fat?
  • Among the Psyllium husk, various types are available such as Glucomannan and inulin. Some evidences also shows Psyllium husk in losing weight also. This words were proved according to various studies.

  • Is it ok to take Psyllium husk every day?
  • There is no harm in taking Psyllium husk every day. The only thing is it will act as a fibre supplement to your body. It helps in cleansing colon and helps in maintaining normal bowel movements. A healthy gut is very important to keep all diseases and disorders away. Even constipation can be cured by taking Psyllium husk every day.

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