Lipton Green Tea for Weight Loss

Lipton Green Tea for Weight Loss

Next to water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. People opt a cup of tea to get freshen up from the hectic schedule. It is also as a means of addiction. We have been hearing since years that green tea helps in losing weight. In Today’s article we are here to find out Does Lipton green tea helps in losing weight? The man behind the Lipton company was Thomas Lipton, a Scotsman, a self made merchant. Lipton green tea is good for weight loss. It is a refreshing drink that contains green tea along with other vitamins and minerals. This beverage is the creation of Lipton Tea brand. This tea is associated with several health benefits including weight loss as well, because it has nutritional and antioxidant value. So one can understand the role of this green tea for weight loss.

Lipton Green Tea Claims:

  1. If no sweetener or milk is added, it is a calorie free beverage.
  2. This tea is rich in antioxidants.
  3. Lipton green tea contains caffeine. Caffeine has roles in boosting metabolism which helps in reducing extra pounds of weight.
  4. This tea helps to boost up the immunity levels to fight against diseases.
  5. Most importantly this tea helps the body to stay hydrated.
  6. It is a heart healthy beverage too.
  7. Lipton green tea contains such ingredients which helps to boost an individual concentration level.
  8. Lastly it is not a cup of tea but a mixture of healthy ingredients.

Role Of  Lipton Green Tea Help In Weight Loss :

Lipton green tea helps in losing weight because of presence of natural ingredients which are chemical free. Lipton green tea contains catechins named as  epigallocatechin  galette (EGCG) which is beneficial in burning fat and helps in weight loss as well. This tea helps in losing weight effectively which is one of the primary role which it has to offer. It mainly helps in losing weight by speeding up the process of metabolism. Metabolism refers to all the body process that requires energy to carry out the processes. Higher the metabolism more calories we can burn and it is easy for us to lose weight. On the other hand, it helps in reducing the stress levels of the body. Stress buster is the main reason for slow metabolism. This tea is even known for its healing and antioxidant properties as well.

How Lipton Green Tea Helped In Weight Loss:

  • In 2010, a clinical trial was published in a Journal named The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition. This journal stated that caffeine and catechins combination could lead to weight loss. According to Physiology and Behavior a mixture of green tea catechins and caffeine helps in managing the weight of the body especially by the usage of energy, oxidation of fats and preservation of body mass which is free of fat. There was also a focus on restricting the energy from foods which helps in losing the weight of the body.
  • During this research green tea consumption was not only a cup of tea but there were given certain amounts which has to be consumed. This reflects hard to consume in certain extra amounts. Green tea was given in the form of supplement. Research that was published in Clinical Nutrition regarding green tea and weight loss where in green tea was consumed in supplement form. In this case study, the participants were given an amount of 850 mg of green tea. The researchers noticed that participants who took a combination of caffeine and catechins were prone to lose more weight than those who drank only caffeine.
  • Based on this research which was published in Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition, claimed that the combination of catechins along with the caffeine is what which makes green tea so effective in losing weight.

Ingredients Present In Green Tea:

Ingredients present in green tea are Chamomile Flowers, lemon grass, Licorice root, Roasted chicory root, Natural flavors, Soy lecithin, caffeine.

  • Lipton green tea is made up of the finest leaves. It contains 100% natural leaves, without any added chemicals or preservatives and it contains zero calories in it.
  • It contains catechins that slows down the process of ageing as well as helps in removing toxins from the body.
  • Flavonoids which provides flavor are great for weight loss. A serving of green tea provides about 150mg of flavonoids.
  • This tea has no fat, no carbohydrates and no sodium in it.
  • Per serving this tea provides 35 mg if caffeine that generates heat and helps in oxidation of fats in the body.
  • Lipton green tea also contains natural relaxants which helps in boosting the metabolic process and also helps us in combating stress levels.

When We can Have Lipton Green Tea:

  • We can have at least 2 to 3 cups of tea every day.
  • It is great to consume 30 minutes prior to the workout session if we have a habit of doing daily workout.
  • We can also include Lipton green tea in between our meals and also as a morning and evening tea as well.
  • If we run out if time, it is so convenient to carry green tea as it comes in bag forms so that there are less chances of losing it.
  • In order to lose weight we should also avoid eating highly processed foods, high fat foods and also cut down on high sugary foods
  • We need to be more physically active and also drink green tea in order to lose weight.
  • If we are sensitive we should avoid drinking it on empty stomach because green tea is alkaline in nature and stimulates the secretion of extra gastric juices.

Right Way Of Preparing Lipton Green Tea:

In order to gain the maximum benefits we should prepare it in a right way, how we brew the leaves makes a huge difference. While preparing tea water do not over boil the water as excess boiling will damage the catechins in it and they will not provide their role which it has to offer.

For best results as well as taste, boil water and then allow it to rest for 10 minutes. Then pour this hot water over the tea leaves and allow it to brew for a minute or so before pulling out the leaves out of it.

Is Lipton green tea good for weight loss?

Yes Lipton green tea is effective and healthy too and also helps in losing weight. The ingredients present in this tea helps in losing weight and also this tea is available in different flavors as well to enhance its taste.

Can I drink Lipton green tea on empty stomach?

Avoid drinking on empty stomach as it can cause stomach upset. Drinking on an empty stomach increases the acids of stomach which can further lead to nausea, stomach ache and also burning sensation for some people. It is advisable to drink this tea in between the meals.

Does Lipton green tea burns belly fat?

Yes according to the studies Lipton green tea helps to target the stubborn belly fats especially the belly fat. This tea also contains catechins which helps to in losing the body fat more quickly.

How much weight can I lose in a month?

According to the studies those who consumed green tea along with caffeine lost more weight during a period of 12 weeks.

Is it okay to drink Lipton green tea every day?

This tea is packed with many healthy compounds. Regular use of green tea not only helps in losing weight but also reduces the risk of diabetes along with heart diseases and it also helps to avoid the risk of cancer as well. Drink at least 2 to 3 cups every day for best results.

Is Lipton green tea good for skin?

Green tea has anti inflammatory properties which can help to fight with various skin related issues such as irritation, redness and swelling.

When should we drink green tea morning or evening?

It is preferable to drink green tea during morning and evening as well. It is preferable to drink green tea after the meals or having it two hours prior can help to maximize the nutrients intake and absorption of them as well.

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