Low Calories Fruits For Weight Loss

Best Low Calories Fruits For Weight Loss

Who doesn’t like eating fruits? Fruits are tasty. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals and helps us in fulfilling our sugar cravings. But should we eat food during the weight loss journey? Yes surely we can eat fruits during the weight loss journey. Because as long as we stay in a calorie deficit diet fruits really helps us in losing weight. Fruits can be eaten at any time if the day. The best time to consume fruits is post workout as our body is in need and it readily absorbs the sugars. We should always prefer having fruits which are in season. Fruits are a powerhouse of many nutrients including fibre.

All we need to do is to consume the right fruits at the right time. Fruits can be consumed ideally in the morning. They are often considered as a weight loss buddy. Fruits are often categorized on the basis of glycemic load, calories and fibre content. They are flourished with plenty of nutrients. There are actually some fruits which can really help in weight loss Also Read Eating Protein to Lose Weight & Natural Sources of Protein

Pears for Weight Loss

Pears is low in calories and packed with nutrients. It is rich in fibre called as pectin which is known for suppressing the hunger. Pears also helps to stabilize the cholesterol levels in the body. Pears have a low glycemic index. This lower glycemic index results in slower absorption of carbohydrates in the blood stream. Hence this results in not spiking up the blood sugar levels. Pears are also rich in antioxidants which helps in releasing the toxins from the body which eventually helps in weight loss. 100 grams of pears contain only 57 calories.

Apples For One of The Best Fruits For Weight Loss

We all are aware of health benefits of apples. And when it comes to weight loss we find a special mention of it. 100 grams of apple have only 52 calories. It is rich in dietary fiber which helps us in keeping full for longer periods of time. More importantly apple’s are packed with polyphenols. Polyphenols are known for boosting up the metabolism of the body. When it comes to cutting down fat from the body all we need is a high metabolism. The higher the metabolism we will have the faster it helps in burning calories. So, an apple a day keeps the weight away.

Oranges For Weight Loss

Oranges are super rich in vitamin C which helps in weight loss. It become a great choice of fruit in a weight loss diet as they are low in calories, low in glycemic index and high in fibre. 100 grams of orange have only 47 calories. They also helps in keeping the digestive system strong. This helps our body keeping free from toxins because of smooth bowel movements. Oranges are also rich in antioxidants which helps in keeping the immune system strong.

Musk Melon For Weight Loss

Muskmelons are also known as kharbooja in Hindi. Muskmelons are one of the best fruits when it comes to weight loss. 100  grams of muskmelon has only 34 calories. Muskmelons are rich in beta carotene. Beta carotenes are considered as natural fat burners. Muskmelons are also rich in water content which gives our body a feeling of fullness.

Watermelon For Weight Loss

It is considered as a number one fruit when it comes to weight loss. Watermelon as the name suggests it has 91% of water and 6% sugar. Consuming watermelon ensure that our body is hydrated. When we have plenty of water it automatically flushes out the toxins from the body which helps in losing weight. Proper hydration also ensures that we do not go on binge eating. Because watermelon is rich in water when compared to other fruits it helps in keeping satisfied for a longer period of time. As watermelon is rich in beta carotene which is a natural fat burner. So, if you want to lose weight then go for water melon.

Grape fruit

Grape fruit is associated with dieting and weight loss. It has low glycemic index which means sugars are released into the blood stream more slowly. Grape fruit is rich in fibre and it helps in feeling full for longer periods of time therefore ends up in eating less calories through out the day which helps in weight loss. Grape fruit is low in calories and high in vitamins like A and C. In a study conducted on obese people drinking grape fruit juice for 12 weeks eventually resulted in a decrease calorie intake and a 7.1% reduction in body weight with improved cholesterol levels.

Berries For Weight Loss

Berries are low in calories but a powerhouse of nutrients. 75 grams of blueberries actually contains about 42 calories in it, while 152 grams of strawberries contains about only 50 calories in them. It has been also shown that berries keeps us full which helps in weight loss. Berries are also associated with a decrease in cholesterol levels, low blood pressure and lower inflammation which can be helpful for obese people.

Passion fruit

If we are looking for nutritious yet tasty fruit then passion fruit should be our choice. It is low in calories and high in nutrients, fibre and antioxidants too which makes them excellent choice in adding to our diet. 100 grams of passion fruit has about 50 calories in it which makes it ideal for the weight loss. The antioxidants in passion fruit helps to fight cellulite, dissolve fat deposits which eventually helps in weight loss.

Bananas For Weight Loss

We often avoid bananas because of their calorie content and high sugar levels. Bananas are low in glycemic index which helps in controlling insulin levels as well as regulate weight. Being high in calories, bananas are packed with potassium,  manganese, fibre and various antioxidants. According to a study conducted bananas helped in reducing both cholesterol and blood sugar levels in people who have high cholesterol in their body. Nutrient dense high quality bananas are essential for a healthy weight loss plan. Read Also Banana For Weight loss or weight gain?

Kiwis For Weight Loss

Kiwis are regarded as an excellent source of vitamin C which helps in boosting our immune levels. They are also rich source of vitamin E ,folate and other nutrients which has significant health benefits. Kiwis helps in weight loss apart from that they even helps in controlling blood sugar levels, improve cholesterol and support gut health as well. Kiwis are high in fibre and have a low calorie content which makes them ideal for weight loss.


Avocados are packed with heart healthy fats and antioxidants and are considered as weight loss super food. They are important part of a weight loss diet because they help in providing healthy fats into the diet. Healthy fats helps in keeping the body metabolic rate at a higher level which helps in burning more calories eventually helps in losing weight. They are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B-6, Magnesium etc.

Guava For Weight Loss

Guavas are extremely rich in fibre which helps us in keeping full for longer periods of time. As this keeps us full for longer periods of time it also helps in avoiding unnecessary cravings which helps in weight loss. Besides, guavas aids in digestion and maintain healthy bowel movements. They are rich sources of vitamin C, lycopene and other antioxidants which helps in fighting against inflammation and cancer as well. Read also Type of Diet Plans For Weight Loss: Benefits & Side Effects

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which fruit burns more fat?
  • Muskmelons have beta-carotene in it which acts as a fat burner. Apples also have flavonoids in them which helps in burning fat

  • Which fruit is not good for weight loss?
  • Fruits which have excessive sweetness should be avoided. Example mangoes contain hidden calories in them which can hinder with weight loss.

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