Fastify Me Diet Complex Carbohydrates Foods for Weight loss

Fastify Me Diet: Complex Carbohydrates Foods for Weight loss

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and fuel the body. They provide energy and make the person feel full for a longer time. They are slowly digested. Fastify Me Diet complex carbs list provides long-lasting energy levels and raises blood glucose levels slowly. Regular consumption of complex carbs makes a person lose weight. Here is the list of Fastify Me Diet complex carbs that can be included in a weight loss diet.

1. Oats, a soluble fiber

Oats contain beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that slows down the digestive movements. They are good sources of high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. Slowing down food makes the person feel full and increases satiety. They are relatively low in calories and high in fiber which helps in weight loss. A bowl of oatmeal slows absorption in the body to provide energy. They are good sources of high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 379k.cals
  • Protein: 17g
  • Carbs: 66g

2. Brown rice, Rich in Fiber

Dietary fiber in brown rice is more in comparison with white rice. It is less processed. It’s high in manganese. This high-fiber brown rice makes us feel full for longer and reduces the calorie intake at other meals. This whole grain contains more nutrition that helps to shed extra pounds and reduces BMI.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 112k.cals
  • Protein: 2.3g
  • Carbs: 24g

3. Whole wheat bread:

Complex carbs are loaded in whole wheat bread. In a study, it was concluded that those who were on low caloric diet and included whole wheat in their meal lost more belly fat. It also contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that lower cholesterol and maintain blood pressure as well.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories:252k.cals
  • Protein: 12g
  • Carbs: 43g

4. Barley: fiber-rich grain

Barley is a fiber-rich grain that contributes to weight loss. It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin along with other vitamins. Weight loss is achieved as it reduces the calorie intake at other meals. It’s rich in vitamins, and minerals like selenium and magnesium.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 352k.cals
  • Protein: 9.9g
  • Carbs: 77.7g

5. Buckwheat:

Buckwheat is regarded as an excellent weight-loss grain as it contains complex carbs in it. Mineral and antioxidant content is high in buckwheat. It’s also rich in lysine and arginine. Sugar cravings are much reduced. It contains compounds such as rutin and quercetin that aid in fat metabolism.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 343k.cals
  • Protein: 13.2g
  • Carbs: 71.5g

6. Chickpeas: fiber and protein rich food

The fiber and protein content in chickpeas makes us feel full for longer and aids in weight loss. Chickpeas can be a perfect meal for vegetarians as its high in protein. They are a great source of complex carbs as well. Eat them in moderation as they contain calories.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 364k.cals
  • Protein: 19g
  • Carbs: 61g

7. Bananas: helps to digest

Bananas contain a fiber named pectin that helps to digest carbs in the body. They contain negligible amounts of fat. This is what helps in weight loss. Green bananas are high in resistant starch while natural sugars are higher in yellow bananas. They also contain good amounts of carbs that could be frightening to spike to raise blood sugar levels. So have them in moderation

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 89k.cals
  • Protein: 1.1g
  • Carbs: 23g

8. Corn: low in calories

It is low in calories and high in fiber. Corn helps in weight loss and digests slowly in the body which makes a person feel full. The soluble fiber in corn breaks down to form gel in the intestines. This helps in controlling cholesterol as well. Slow-acting carbs are present in it.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 96k.cals
  • Protein: 3.4g
  • Carbs: 21g

9. Apple:

The complex carbs and fiber in apples are digested slowly. If we eat apple it helps in reduced Appetite, therefore weight is controlled. They are incredibly filling due to their water content. Approx 4 grams of fiber is present in apples.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 52k.cals
  • Protein:
  • Carbs:

10. Broccoli:

This superfood can be added to soups, wraps, curries, and salads. It’s low in calories and high in fiber. Brocoll helps to lose weight by reducing inflammation in the body. It suppresses appetite as it contains a compound named sulforaphane.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 52k.cals
  • Protein: 0.3g
  • Carbs: 14g

11. Sweet potato:

The high fiber content of sweet potato reduces the overall calorie intake in the diet. Sweet potatoes are great to be added to the diet for weight loss. It can be perfectly taken as a snack in between meals. They are low in calories and fat. They are nutrient-dense and good sources of vitamins A and C.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 86k.cals
  • Protein:1.6 g
  • Carbs: 20.1 g

12. Legumes:

Legumes fasten the weight loss process as they are excellent sources of complex carbs. Fiber and protein are present in legumes as their fair sources. They provide energy and lower blood sugar levels as well.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories:352k.cals
  • Protein: 6.6g
  • Carbs: 63.4g

13: Nuts Best for fat burning

Nuts have significant fat-burning power and are associated with greater weight loss effects. The healthy nutrients in nuts are super beneficial for the body. Calories and fat content are high in nuts which makes them excellent sources of energy.

Nutritional value per 100g

  • Calories: 575k.cals
  • Protein: 21.2g
  • Carbs: 21.7g

These are the healthy fastify me diet plan complex carbs that can be taken while following a fastify me diet. These are essential to include in your diet which will surely has a positive effect on your weight loss journey

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