Healthy Foods That Help You Burn Fat

Healthy Foods That Help You Burn Fat

The metabolic rate play a major role in losing body fat. However, a boosted metabolic rate can help you lose and burn body fat. In market a lot of fat supplements are available. But most of them are either unsafe to use or ineffective. Diet plays a major role in building up body’s immunity and also burn body fat. There are certain foods which can help for fat burn and are naturally help us in providing a boosted metabolic rate. The more higher the metabolic rate the more easy it becomes in losing fat.

Natural foods for burning body fat

Fatty Fish:

Salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel all these fishes fall under the category of fatty fishes. Fatty fishes are delicious in taste and incredibly good for the health. They have been linked in order to reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of heart diseases. They contain omega 3 fatty acids that help us in losing body fat.

Fish is an excellent source of high quality protein. When proteins are digested feeling of fullness is achieved which increases the metabolic rate of a person. In order to lose body fat a minimum of 100 grams of fatty fish should be taken twice a week in the diet.

Medium Chain Triglycerides Oil

Medium chain triglycerides oil are available online and they are extracted from coconut or palm oil. MCT or Medium chain triglycerides are a type of  fat that are metabolized in a different way than long chain fatty acids. They have been shown to increase the metabolic rate of the person .

When regular fats are replaced by adding 2 tablespoons of MCT in the diet it can help in optimizing fat burning process. As they are shorter chain triglycerides they are absorbed immediately and converted into ketones for providing instant energy.


Coffee is the most commonly consumed beverage world wide. This is very underrated among foods for fat burn. It is a good source of caffeine which is a very good fat burner and also helps in improving the physical performance. Depending upon the amount of caffeine consumed it increases the metabolic rate by about  3 to 13%. If additives such as milk and sugar are added in the coffee it is nothing but a matter of taste.

Try including black coffee in diet as it can act as a fat burner for the body. To get the fat burning effect include 100 to 400 mg of caffeine every day.


Eggs are considered as a power house of nutrients. They are considered as a killer weight loss food. Eggs are great sources of high quality proteins which increases the metabolic rate by 20 to 35% after consuming them. As eggs are a great source of high quality proteins they provide filling effects upon digestion. This increases the metabolic rate which helps in fat loss.

Coconut Oil:

This oil can provide you many benefits. Coconut oil helps in increasing good cholesterol in the body and decreases the level of triglycerides. Apart from this it can also help In losing body weight of a person. Coconut oil is mainly composed of medium chain triglycerides which are great for fat burning and suppressing the appetite.

Coconut oil is ideal for cooking as it is heat stable. Try consuming a teaspoon of coconut oil which can help in maximizing the effects of fat burning. Black coffee can be consumed with a teaspoon of coconut oil which turns the body into fat burning machine while working out.

Green Tea:

Green tea is the most commonly used beverage field the purpose of fat burning. It is an excellent choice and good for health. It is one of the most commonly used foods for fat burn. Green tea is rich in an antioxidant namely epigallocatechin galette also known EGCG which promotes burning of body fat and targets especially belly fat.

The amount of green tea consumed plays a role in imparting effects to the body. 4 cups is generally recommended in order to burn the calories and fat. Drinking green tea can also help in protecting against certain cancers and heart diseases.

Whey Protein:

Whey protein is mostly opted by the persons who are more involved in doing physical activities. It has been shown that having whey proteins promotes muscle growth and also preserves the muscle mass during weight loss. When compared with other protein sources whey proteins provides more filling effects to the body and suppress appetite.

It does so by stimulating the release of fullness hormones namely PYY and GLP-1. Whey proteins helps in boosting up the fat burning process and promotes weight loss. It is mostly opted as a main meal or snack option and promotes fat loss.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar has evidence in providing many health benefits to the body. It has been linked with lowering the blood sugar and insulin levels who are dealing with diabetes. Apple cider vinegar also helps in reducing appetite. Acetic acid is the main component of vinegar which helps in increasing fat burning process especially targeting belly fat.

Apple cider vinegar should not be taken in concentrated form. It should be diluted with water. One teaspoon should be the initial start along with a glass of  water. Then gradually it can be make up to two teaspoons.

Chilli Peppers:

Generally chillies are used in order to spice up food. They generally adds heat to the food. They reduce the body’s inflammation and protects cells damage by their antioxidant properties. An antioxidant named capsaicin in chili peppers helps in maintaining a healthy body weight.

The body weight is maintained by preventing food overeating and promotes the feeling of fullness to the stomach. This way it helps in burning up more calories and lose body fat. Appetite is also reduced and about 50 calories can be burned.

Oolong Tea:

Oolong tea is rich in caffeine and catechins. It is considered one of the healthiest beverages that one can choose for. Many people prefer it less important than green tea. On an average basis according to a study it was proved that a combination of catechins and caffeine in any tea helps in burning an increased calorie intake up to 100.

Oolong tea can also be taken in compared with green tea in order to acheive more benefits. These two combination helps in increasing the fat loss of the body and provide other beneficial effects. When compared with green tea it increases the calorie burning by twice. This way weight loss is achieved along with a boosted metabolism.

Full Fat Greek Yogurt:

Full fat Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium. Its taste is also extremely nutritious. Yoghurt does contain probiotics which maintains a healthy gut and reduces the symptoms of constipation and bloating. According to research it is proved that full fat dairy products promotes the feeling of fullness and helps in boosting fat loss. During weight loss session muscle is also protected.

In another research weight loss and fat burning process is speed up in obese individuals by the presence of conjugated linolenic acid.

Olive Oil:

When compared to all the fats which are eaten olive oil is considered as the healthiest fats on earth. It has been shown that olive oil helps in lowering the level of triglycerides in the body. Olive oil helps in stimulating a hormone which is known for keeping us full namely GLP-1. The good cholesterol is also increased in the body.

Olive oil helps in promoting fat loss by boosting the metabolic rate of the body. When post menopausal women started taking olive oil in the diet the calorie burn is increased for several hours. Olive oil also reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Instead of opting for fat supplements available in the market. Try going for natural food that not only helps in burning body fat but also increases the metabolic rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What foods  burn more belly fat?
  • Belly fat can be reduced by eating avoid avocados, bananas  berries, green tea , detox waters. Apart from all this physical activity plays a major role for belly fat reduction.

  • What foods help in fat burn?
  • Foods such as olive oil, coconut oil, Greek yogurt ,apple cider vinegar, eggs, coffee etc. Detailed information about how it helps is listed above.

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