Lose Weight Without Eating Less

Tips on How to Lose Weight Without Eating Less

Losing weight is not about eating less. Many people often practice thinking that in order to lose weight its mandatory to eat less. You don’t have to drastically cut down the food portions and opt for only salads and soups to lose weight. Well, this is not entirely true. You can still lose weight by enjoying a normal healthy serving of food. The simple changes which we opt for helps in optimizing the hormonal levels, reduces hunger and helps in boosting up metabolic levels. The tips mentioned below helps us to loss weight without eating less.

The tips are as follows:

Eat Real Foods:

The quality of foods which we eat will be processed in a different way by the body as not all calories are created equally. It is possible to loss your weight without eating we just need to focus on the food. The quality of foods which we eat influence our weight. The real foods are:

  1. High in nutritional value
  2. They  also helps us maintaining weight on a long term process.

On the other hand eating processed foods interferes with the body’s natural way of breaking down and storing foods.” Real foods” regards as eating food closest to its natural state and which are minimally processed. They are seasonal and perishable in nature. This can be explained by example such as if we eat want to eat chicken we should eat chicken only instead of opting for chicken nuggets. If we want to eat potatoes then we should eat potatoes not fries. So these are the simple way by following which one can loss their weight without eating less.

Eating real foods helps us to keep satisfied, avoid overeating, they are much lower in calories compared to processed foods. 100 grams chicken yields about 160 calories where as nuggets give 300 calories. Potatoes of 100 grams give 77 calories where as fries give 312 calories. So this regards it’s not about eating less but eating the right quality of foods.

Consume High Volume Foods

High volume foods contains high amounts of water. We can liberally eat as much of green leafy vegetables as we want to and will not gain weight. Fill half your plate with vegetables such as it should contain half portion of vegetables and one fourth portion of protein and one fourth portion of carbohydrates. One cup of spinach gives about 7 calories. Other examples of high water foods includes kale, cabbage, lettuce etc. This way we fill our plate with very little calories. These high volume foods are very good for weight loss without eating less.

Apart from vegetables fruits can also be added in the diet which includes lemon, lime, oranges, grape fruit, tomato, peaches, strawberries and blueberries too. Same way broths are also quite filling to the stomach. One cup of chicken broth which is high in volume contains only 18 calories.

Be Aware Of Sneaky Hidden Calories:

Even after practicing a healthy diet we do not shift our weight. If we have the practice of consuming cold coffee’s, soda drinks, fruit juices and soft drinks then these liquid calories are the “Sneaky Hidden Calories “. These are loaded with calories and contains more calories than meals. One serving of cold coffee contains about 400 calories that is more than a meal which is supposed to be 350 calories. If we avoid fancy drinks and practice the habit of drinking more water then we can see a change in weight shifting.

A salad bowl is healthy until and unless if we add salad dressings and sauces to it. Ranch dressing contains 73 calories in one tablespoon with 8 grams of fat in it.

Practice Mindful Eating

This states that we should practice mindful eating and should stop stuffing the food in the mouth. In todays life scenario we are in a phase of eating where we eat in a faster pace, we do eat with distractions such as social media and even eat without realizing what it is. When we focus on what we are eating we relish pleasure and satisfied. This way we feel satisfied by eating less. We should eat  with all our senses by looking, smelling and tasting the food in a proper way. We should listen to our body and ship eating the food when we feels satisfied not that when we are stuffed.

Get Enough Rest:

Getting enough rest is very essential and beneficial for the body. We don’t even realize what we are missing by lacking enough sleep. Lack of sleep is linked with overweight. Lack of sleep leads to

  • Disruption of Hormones
  • Changes are way how our body process sugars
  • And also decrease the number of calories we burn

Sleep also affects two hormones basically which are Leptin and Ghrelin. They are responsible for controlling the feeling of fullness and hunger. With lack of sleep leptin levels decreases and Ghrelin levels increases which we end up eating more sugary and fatty foods. Practice the habit of sleeping for 7 to 8 hours in order to regulate body in a proper form.

Use The Protein Pacing Method:

Adding lean protein sources to the diet will help in feeling us full through out the day. This way we feels more satiated and full, which can lead to an increased weight loss. An weight loss and exercise system which is named as PRISE protocol named by Dr. Paul Arciero. In PRISE protocol the word P stands for “Protein Pacing”. In order to boost up the weight loss process and also to enhance the exercise performance we should include 20 to 40 grams of protein each day. This has to be divided in to 4 to 6 meals which should contain 20 to 40 grams of protein in it.

Exercise Regimen:

Exercise not only help us in losing weight but also allows the body to eat more. This is possible when we move our body more enough which helps in consuming more food. We can shed our weight by burning up the calories which is possible through physical activity. By engaging in normal daily behaviours which are talking, chewing, food digestion we can burn up to 1000 to 2000 calories. We can find a calorie balance when we eat healthy in order to stay fit and also expend them.

Filling Up On Fibre:

Our digestion process is more regulated and healthy when we include fibre rich foods in the diet. Fibre rich foods such as blueberries, strawberries, nuts ,black beans, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, barley all of them help us in filling up on fibre. Fibre promotes the feeling of fullness to the stomach which helps us in avoiding over eating. They helps in promoting a healthy weight loss which can be maintained for longer periods of time. It does helps in maintaining a healthy bowel movement and lowers the cholesterol levels too from the body.

Can You Lose Weight By Not Eating?

Most of the people often skip meals in order to reduce the calories from the diet. Its important to consume the calories in count but by Starving yourself is not a great idea to choose for. In order to lose weight and maintain it on a long term go you need to reduce the amount of calories which we consume. Its important to burn those consumed calories in order to maintain a balance between calories consumed and burned.

When we starve or skip meals the body is prone to tiredness and miss the essential nutrients which our body demands. This way our body lacks essential vitamins and minerals which are required at the proper time. So, consume your meals in a right portion and do not skip them for the purpose to reduce the calories load.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you lose weight by eating less and not exercising?
  • No, you can’t lose weight by eating less and not exercising. This is because by eating less food our  body becomes weak and lacks energy to perform any work or activity. So, this is not the right way to lose weight.

  • Can I lose weight without eating much?
  • Yes, you can lose weight without eating much but you  cannot maintain that weight on a long term go. This will results in achieving a temporary weight loss and comes back to normal once you start eating in a regular manner.

  • How can I lose my belly fat overnight?
  • Belly fat needs time to burn and overnight results are not seen. It requires consistent exercise training and life style modifications to achieve the results.

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