Here are the very easy and essential tips that anyone can follow to lose weight naturally & permanently. These are free natural and effective ways to lose weight. Just Follow it for 21 days and see the results.
Weight loss depends on the number of calories you take. If you are eating healthy but in excess of quantity it will make you gain weight. So very first step in your weight loss journey should be to reduce your food portion. So just take food in smaller quantities and use smaller size of plates.
Now a days soft drinks are the main cause of extra calories intake. Extra calories are the worst thing that ads in your weight gain. As 250 ml cock contains 105 calories. If You replace it with plain water you will have 0 calories. This significantly reduces your calories intake so just do it.
Just avoid any type of sweet or sweeteners from your diet. It is the major contributor of calories in your diet. Once you add sugar in your diet in increases your appetite and ad in weight gain. Just remove it from your diet.
Fruit juices are not a healthy choice once you are trying to lose weight. Juices are calories dense liquids and they are very harmful for weight loss. So instead of having juice take whole fruits in limited quantities. So Just eat whole orange rather orange juice.
White bread are refined carbs which also has a good amount of sugar. It has higher glycemic Index so it may also increase blood sugar level. So just avoid bread and replace it with
Once you eat frequently outside you can not control on your calories intake. In restaurants you are not going to get a healthy diet. Although you have unhealthy, calories dense and food which is full of fat and spices just don’t eat in restaurants.
Protein is essential for weight loss, It helps in keeping you full for longer period of time, Build lean muscle and reduces body fat. It is recommended to have 1.6 to 2.2 gm of protein per kg of your body weight to lose weight. you can take some good protein powder available in market or chose a natural source of protein like
Its a free recommended drink to lose weight. Just add at least 8 glasses of water in your daily routine. Following points will help you in understanding importance of water for weight loss
Sleeping is the easiest effort you can add to lose weight naturally. It has found that 1 hour extra sleep can make you eat 270 fewer daily calories. So Just Have 7 – 9 hrs of sound sleep and get all the following benefits
Workout increases your calories burning. Just do any physical activity of your choice for at least 1 hour daily. It may be walking, running cycling or swimming. Also do check the following workout routine that you can do at home.
If you follow these points, then I think you will not need any diet or workout plan. It has worked for our clients and results are very impressive. Just Try these weight loss tips for 21 days and see results. Also check our instagram @simplyfit_me for more simple fitness and weight loss tips.