Side Fat Exercises & Diet How to Lose Side Fat

Side Fat Exercises & Diet: How to Lose Side Fat?

Loosing side fat is not easy for male and female, once you accumulate it. So many people now a days are focused on getting the perfect Flat belly and perfect waistline by reducing side fat or love handles. Our eating highly influences our Appearance, physique or accumulation of side belly fat . We can get rid of side fat or love handle from our body by staying in calorie deficits and with some easy Side fat exercises. Here are some workouts and diets to get rid of love handles easily at home. Also Read Flat Stomach Diet and Workout, at Home

What Are Love Handles?

Love handles or side belly fat are usually the fat that gets deposited on the sides of waist line. Common problematic areas that we women are really subconscious about are Muffin top and love Handles. Side fat is a type of abdominal obesity that develops due to excess weight that is deposited over a period of time. It is also called as visceral fat. It is little difficult to work on it but not impossible until and unless we are dedicated or working on it consistently by using some side fat exercises and dietary controls.

3 Simple Ways To Cut Down Side Fat From Our Body

These simple steps can be applicable to both men as well as women. But if we follow these easy steps we can easily cut down our love Handles . These are mostly lifestyle modifications that can keep us fit, healthy and fat free.

1. To Stay In Calorie Deficit

Our body needs calories to function out properly. But if we over load them than the required amounts then it gets deposited as fats. To lose side fat or overall body weight, a person has to be in negative energy balance. We must try to increase our output calories than the input calories. When we are calorie deficient our body starts to burn fat and start losing it from side or full body.

2. Do Side Fat Exercises

They are the triggers for burning side fat from our body. These exercises should be combined with strength and cardio workouts to speed up the fat burning process. Side fat exercises mainly targets the bulges and slim them down. We have mentioned below some of the best exercises that can be done easily at home. Also Know Stair Climbing For weight Loss

3. Have a Proper Sleep

The final step is the easiest of all but very important. We must ensure to get a proper sleep of about 6 to 8 hours. Even if we eat right, do fat burning workouts and do not have adequate sleep then it can ruin  all our efforts. Inadequate sleep increases the stress hormones and on contrary we will gain more fat. Ensure to sleep properly for better results.

Side Fat Exercises That Helps To Get Rid Of Love Handles

A shorter workout is always better than longer workout. These exercises focus on side abs and a lot of twisting to target core and also to tighten the midsection that are usually love handles. Love handles exercises are going to be a combination of abs exercises and also cardio that elevates the heart rate and burn the fat layer off. These exercises can also be combined with strength training for more better results. Read also Jogging for weight loss

There will be 8 exercises for 30 seconds each and 15 seconds rest in between and the goal will be to complete 2 rounds.

  1. Cross punch crunch
  2. Bicycle crunch
  3. Break dancer
  4. Cross tuck frogger
  5. Plank hip dip
  6. Side plank crunch
  7. Plank twist
  8. Bunny hops

1. Cross Punch Crunch One of the Best Side Fat Exercise

For this workout we need to lie down on a mat. Bend our knees and keep our heels close to our butt. This workout will be a combination of crunch and a cross punch. When we go up in position it is called crunch. Start by going up as crunch and then cross punch. We need to do the same for the remaining repetitions.  This exercise is all about twisting motion. We need to twist down our waist and hips to make our body move efficiently. This exercise works well for upper arms and obliques too. We need to do this for 30 seconds.

2. Bicycle Crunch

To Do Bicycle Crunches lie down on a mat and keep your hands near our ears. For the beginners it is little simplified by twisting first and then put your feet on the floor followed by twisting again and then rest. For those who want to challenge more, can start this by twisting up legs and then alternate it by using left and right leg. Continue with the twisting movements as it works for oblique muscles. Keep twisting and look at the opposite side. Its important to note that do not rest the head on the floor and keep the shoulders always lifted off the floor. With this side fat exercise we can feel the side abs burning. Twist nicely and try to keep our movements in controlled manner.

3. Break Dancer

For this workout first achieve a plank position. Then twist your body and open it up in the opposite side. Its looks more like a break dancer move. If we want to burn more calories out we can hop at each move followed by twisting our body again and then opening up. Keep going “ twist, open and then kick” as simple as that. In this exercise we mostly move our waist like a break dancer.

4. Cross Tuck Frogger

In this workout also you need to remain in a plank position. Cross your knee tucks hop and then release. Beginners can start this by taking a step in between because it will not be possible to jump at the beginner stage. The main moto of this exercise is twisting the waste to get rid of love Handles.

5. Plank Hip Dip

Get into a plank position and then twist your waist from side to side. During this exercise deep breathly. Go in a plank then dip and turn from side to side. Maintain a solid plank position in this workout and then dip from left side to right side. Don’t raise too high in the Plank position. We must try to keep our back straight and leveled in a solid position. This workout works for both hips and waist as well.

6. Side Plank Crunch:

Fir this workout lie onto your side position and then bend your one knee then straighten the top leg and then go in crunch position and then tap the floor. This side fat exercise has side crunches that works on side fat and we feel the fat burn.

7. Plank Twist

Fir this workout obtain a higher plank position. Twist and then open up. Alternate with other leg twist and again open up. Continue with the same twist and again open up. Keep the plank position strong and higher for this workout. This exercise works well for core strength. Keep going twist and again open.

8. Bunny Hop

This workout goes well for core fitness. Start again in a high plank position. Then start hopping in the center then hop in the left side and then in the right side. This is a cardio waist workout which pump up the heart rate. Keep the shoulders strong and core tight during this exercise.

Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated during the workout session. After completing the first round then go for the second round. This workouts if combined with proper diet can help us to lose side fat effectively and easily.

Dietary Tips To Lose Side Fat

  • Eat plenty of soluble fiber as fiber adds bulk to the diet and promotes satiety. It also helps to reduce the calorie intake.
  • Trans fats are not good for health and it is mostly found in packaged, processed and fried foods. It is a type of dietary fat.
  • Intake a high protein diet as it increases metabolic rate and helps to retain muscle mass during weight loss process. E.g  are meat, fish ,eggs ,pulses etc.
  • Include coconut oil in diet as it is one of the healthiest fats. It helps to reduce the fat content of the body even if we intake high calories. This oil is high in calories so consume in little amounts or add up with other oils.
  • Stress levels in increased amounts can helps in fat deposition rather than losing fat. Stress management helps us to lose fat from the body.
  • Refined carbohydrates should not be consumed in the diet as they are processed and yields nothing if consumed.
  • Restful sleep is important as it is proven that sleeping well keeps our food cravings low and helps in weight loss thus helps in losing fat. All the fat burning hormones are produced when we sleep well for good hours thus aids in fat loss.
  • Perform strength and resistance training which works well for fat loss.
  • Try to avoid sugary foods as they are high in calories and lack in nutrients.
  • Workout well for good about 30 minutes especially fat burning exercises to help in losing fat.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best exercise to get rid of love Handles?

There are lots of exercises like some easy one are Cross punch crunch, Bicycle crunch, Break dancer, Cross tuck frogger, Plank hip dip, Side plank crunch, Plank twist and Bunny hops

Do you lose love Handles fast ?

Yes we lose love Handles but not fast . It’s not possible to lose but working out on it with workout, diets and dedication helps us losing them.

How can you lose back fat and love Handles fast ?

They are kind of stubborn fats and we can lose them only with low calorie diet and strenuous workouts.

What exercise burns the most belly fat and love Handles?

Cardio workouts ,strength training workouts and resistance training helps us to burn belly fat and love handles.

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