Foods That Can Make You Fat

11 Healthy Foods That Can Make You Fat

When you eat healthy and you are doing everything right but the weight isn’t bugging, or you even end up gaining more weight, it can be extremely frustrating and you don’t know what wrong you are doing in your diet. So let’s talk about how healthy foods that can make you fat even if we are eating and cooking everything in an healthy way.

1. Trail Mix And Granola

Trail mix is a mixture of nuts, seeds, dried foods and oats. They are nutritious as well as very convenient to grab and eat when we feel like. But they are very calorie dense. How they become calorie dense is when they are dressed up with maple syrup, chocolate which increases there calorie content. One serving should be about quarter cup which gives approximately 140 to 170 calories. Considering it to be healthy we consume it as much as we can this way it helps in increasing calorie content. It is nutritious but we must learn to portion them out before consuming. Read Also Banana For Weight loss or weight gain?

2. Fruit Juices, Very Harmful Foods Which Can Make You Fat

Fruit juices are widely available everywhere as juicing has become a trend in order to lose weight. But is it healthy if we consume it every day. When we compare fruit juices with colas and other beverages they contain equal sugars as beverages contain. A 12 oz. Cola glass contain 140 calories and 10 teaspoons of sugar(40 grams). Whereas apple juice contains about 165 calories and 9.8 tea spoons of sugar(39 grams), orange juice contains about 110 calories and 8 teaspoons of sugar(33 grams). It is better to consume whole fruits than juices because it contains zero fibre and loads of sugar.

3. Salad Dressings

Many people think that by ordering a huge bowl of salad goes a healthier option. Yes of course it goes until and unless you add salad dressings to it. Salads are low in calories high in vitamins and minerals and also very filling and satisfying too.1 tablespoon Caesar salad dressing contain 78 calories and 8.5 grams of fat. By adding salad dressings it can turn a simple salad into a calorie bomb. So try avoiding cream based dressings in the salad or try to serve them at the side of the salad.

4. Avocados

Avocados are nutritious and packed with healthy fats. It is used almost In every salad and smoothie. Avocados are super food but if consumed in excess amounts it can seriously lead to weight gain. It contains about 250 to 280 calories and 22 grams of fat in it. They are considered as a super fattening food. So we must consume it in small quantities particularly half an avocado is enough and pair up more with free foods such as salads.

5. Coconut Milk

It has been used in ancient cooking since centuries. It is high in saturated fats. Coconut milk is regarded as a super food and many people are switching to coconut milk and it is also dairy free as well. The fatty acids in coconut milk improves heart health it gives healthier skin and hair as also it helps in weight loss if consumed in moderate amounts. Coconut milk is very high in calories about 552 calories and 51 grams of saturated fats.

6. Natural Sweeteners

Natural sweeteners such as maple syrup and honey are great substitutes to refined sugar syrups. But if consumed in excess it can have negative effects to the body just the same way as refined sugars which helps in spiking blood sugar levels, weight gain and even diabetes. Sugars are sugars only and if consumed natural sweeteners we should add up in small amounts to the foods and drinks because excess can lead to increased calorie content.

7. Energy Bars

Energy bars were previously used to provide energy during the workout sessions. But now a days they are used as an evening snack or even as a meal replacer. Most energy bars are a mixture of nuts, seeds and oats and the thing which holds them together is sugars, oil, artificial flavors and preservatives. When we buy energy bars we should make sure it contains about less than 5 grams of fat, 3 to 5 grams of fiber and less than 10 grams of sugar. Instead of energy bars we should try consuming whole foods.

8. Gluten Free Foods

Now a days market is catching up with gluten free foods. Even if the people are not suffering from wheat allergy there mostly prefer gluten free foods because they sound healthy. But many gluten free foods have more calories, more sugar, more fat and more chemicals in comparison with the non gluten free products. If we have switched for gluten free snacks that might be cup cakes or bread but still we are not losing weight it only means that junk foods are junk. So if you are not gluten intolerant then we should consume normal versions.

9. Vegetable Chips

Vegetable chips are widely available in the market and then say they are more 100% pure vegetables chips. These chips cannot substitute your whole vegetables nor canned or even the frozen vegetables too. They will not contribute to your five a day. One serving of vegetables contains about 25 calories and many vitamins and minerals but coming to vegetable chips they are deep fried or baked at a very high temperature in which most of the nutrients are destroyed. This makes them vegetable chips higher in calories, sodium, fats and least nutrients in them.

10. Frozen yogurts

Many people opt for frozen yogurt instead of ice creams because yogurt helps to improve the gut health and also promotes the growth of healthy bacteria. Though frozen yogurt contains probiotics but they do not survive because the freezing process used to make frozen yogurt may kill some of the healthy gut bacteria. Frozen yogurts are also high in sugars containing about 17 grams of sugar for half serving where as ice cream contains about 14 grams of sugar. If consumed beyond half a cup it can give up to 300 to 400 calories per serving. So eat in small quantities and portions to reduce the calorie intake.

11. Nut Butter

We all know by now that nuts are calorie dense. One tablespoon contains about 90 calories and about 4 grams of protein in it. So we should be mindful when we are adding it to any smoothie or drinks and we should opt for 100% pure nut butter which has very little salt in it. Its not that we should  not add these foods in the diet infact many of the foods listed here are healthy but we should be mindful while consuming them because they are not free calories and can hinder our weight loss efforts if consumed unknowingly. Also Check Our Instagram Handle @beautifulyoufit for more quick and easy weight loss tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods gain the most weight?

Foods such as red meat, potato chips, banana chips ,processed meats and sugar filled beverages can help us in gaining most of the weight.

What are the foods that make you fat?

Sugary soda, coffee, ice creams, French fries, peanut butter, chocolates and junk and processed foods too. All these foods make you fat because they are high in calories and fat.

Does bananas make you fat?

It is not proved yet that bananas make us fat. Bananas contain a minimum amount of fats. An 100 gram if banana contains about 116 calories.

What fruits are best for weight loss?

Apples, grape fruit, kiwis, melons, berries, stone fruits are best known for weight loss.

What are the good snacks for weight loss?

Nuts, hard boiled eggs, low fat cheese, hummus dips, Greek style yoghurts and roasted peanuts, roasted chivda are good snacks known for weight loss.

What time should I stop eating?

It is best advised to eat at least 3 hours prior to the bed time. This helps our body to digest the food more easily and efficiently and there are less chances of fat deposition too.

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