Whitney Thore Weight Loss Surgery, Diet & Workout

Whitney Thore Weight Loss Surgery, Diet & Workout

Whitney Thore is an American television actress. The actress was never shy about being obese. The dancer and reality tv star was quite open about her weight loss and received many positive comments after attempting it. Whitney was quite focused and her first priority was losing weight. In today’s article, you will get to know about Whitney’s ways of losing weight and her attempt at weight loss surgery.

Whitney Thore Weight and Height

The actress is tall about 5 feet and 3 inches and weighs about 130 kg. Whitney’s net worth is about $4 million.

How did Whitney Thore gain weight?

The actress performed many shows. In many reality shows, the actress was seen being overweight. The reason for gaining so much weight is because of the polycystic ovarian syndrome also known as PCOS. The major add-up to this could be an inactive lifestyle which even worsened the condition. In this PCOS condition, there is a hormonal imbalance and other symptoms that are seen are excessive hair growth, irregular periods, and of course weight gain.

With PCOS, Whitney gained over 100 pounds in just a few years. Being overweight, the star always spread positivity to her followers. Whitney’s life was following “My Big Fat Fabulous life” where her viewers came to know about her condition.

Has Whitney made any attempts for weight loss recently?

As Whitney is a known reality tv star she performed in many shows. For show purposes, the actress needs to lose weight whenever a new season arrives. Although weight loss attempts were made by the star for her shows, presently she hasn’t revealed how much she weighs as of now.

The number on the scale keeps on fluctuating which depends on many factors. As the star is a fashion lover and chooses to make up choices that could help in highlighting different angles of the body. Due to these reasons, it’s difficult to know her weight loss details.

Whitney’s opinion about her body

Whitney used to receive many comments regarding her appearance. Way back in 2021, when Whitney was scrolling down on Instagram she received many unsolicited comments about her body. she says, “Y’all are so kind and complimentary to me all the time and I appreciate that, but I don’t need anyone to tell me I look better without lip fillers. Whitney added saying, I‘m so obsessed with lip fillers and use hair extensions too along with hair fibers to cover bald patches and spots on my scalp.

Whitney discussed her beauty regime saying, she uses eyebrows microbladed and gets manicures and pedicures done. Her skin care regimen included products that helped her to hide and dimmish wrinkles on her face. Her choice of clothes was something that make her look good all the time. Additionally of all things, Whitney uses hair dyes and uses “10 pounds of makeup on her face”

When Whitney goes through her social media profile, she says she reads a lot of messages and comments about whether she has gained weight or lost weight. All things made her exhausted. After sharing all her personal things, Whitney says she wasn’t ashamed of what she does to her body and openly discusses all things with her fans.

Whitney’s 2019 weight loss praise

A video went viral in 2019 on Instagram @whitneywaythore. This video was about Whitney’s weight loss. she deleted that viral video saying that she do not want any praise from people regarding her attempt at weight loss. when Whitney was moving down comments many people praised her for her weight loss and congratulated her for that.

Whitney after knowing all the comments says that “ I did not lose much weight, still there is a lot more to go on this. I guarantee that I am still fat, told followers.

Whitney continues saying, “This hasn’t changed from day one, I am not out here to be anyone’s weight loss inspiration. If you’re inclined to be inspired by me, I appreciate that and I see you, but I’m just a complex human being focusing on a lot of other things in life besides losing weight”.

Whitney’s thoughts on mental health

The star is more focused on her mental health rather than physical health. On side of different videos, Whitney says, “Just had to get this off my chest. A person’s value will not increase if weight decreases. Not keeping weight in consideration, being fat or thin doesn’t matter if a healthy lifestyle is maintained. Weight loss’s key to happiness is not just by changing your body but changing your mindset matters.

When did Whitney think about weight loss surgery?

Serious consideration about Whitney’s weight loss surgery was made in the Season 8 of ‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’. Whitney practiced online dating where she used to receive nasty messages from a couple of strangers. That one of the messages read, “I was going to send a message, but I don’t go out with wildebeests”. Nobody can wonder why anyone is single.

When Whitney was dating online she received many hateful comments. These comments really discouraged him. Whiteny’s buddy tried to console her as she felt bad after receiving messages. Whitney says, she was emotionally defeated. She says, “It happens, like all the time. I’m so sick of it. I just wonder if I should just, you know, like get surgery or something just so I can just live a better life, I guess.

Whitney’s opinion about weight loss surgery is, she never favored it. She neither likes it nor advises anyone to go through it. Whitney says, deep down, I know that I’m struggling and I know that I’m dealing with depression on a level that I haven’t dealt with in a very long time. After her thoughts, Whitney was quite relieved.

When Whitney discussed her weight loss surgery plans with her friends and a larger group of the circle, many of them were actually shocked that the actress was considering it.

Was doctor consultation for surgery considered?

Whitney made an attempt to undergo weight loss surgery after considering doctors’ advice. DR. Bowen helped Whitney when she sought advice about her food relations, her history of disordered eating, and her desire to get diabetes. Before attempting weight loss surgery many pros and cons were discussed by Whitney` with her doctor.

After discussing the pros and cons, Whitney was actually surprised about the information received. At first, Whitney’s thoughts about surgery were that she felt risky to make an attempt for it. Thereafter she decided to get another opinion. As she didn’t make a quick attempt for weight loss surgery, her thoughts were still wandering. She decided to keep that thing for the future.

Did Whitney Thore get Weight-loss Surgery?

In 2020, November, Whitney lost some weight that was around 70 pounds. After losing so much weight fans made an assumption that all this weight loss was due to surgery. Before making an attempt to do any weight loss surgery it’s common for bariatric patients to lose some weight. The most recent news about Whitney’s weight is that she weighs about 330 pounds.

The major reason for her weight loss is that doctor said her to lose weight before she could make an attempt for the surgery. Till now, there is no such update regarding Whitney’s weight loss surgery.

Whitney Thore Weight Loss diet

Whitney Thore’s weight loss diet plan was a low-carb and high-fat diet. In this sort of diet, she focused on eating whole foods like vegetables and avocados. Intermittent fasting was also followed by her which helped to cleanse off toxins. Many detox programs were followed which included green juices, kombucha tea, and coconut water.

Weitneys weight loss diet plan helped many people in losing weight and helped many to maintain weight. More focus was made on foods such as eating more whole grains, healthy fats like avocado, and protein-rich foods such as fish and eggs can be taken in diet. Foods rich in refined carbs such as white bread, pasta, and macaroni should be avoided.

Whitney Thore Weight loss workout

Whitney’s weight loss workout plan was to inspire others and encourage them toward weight loss. she says, “Personal trainers are really expensive and everyone cannot afford to spend an hour in the gym”.  Her idea was to develop certain things which could help people all the time.

Thore used to hit the gym where using weight loss equipment could be hard according to her body type. This way, trainers concluded that all machines are not designed for people. She posted some pics from the gym where she practiced strength training on some days of the week.

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