Brisk Walking For Weight Loss

Brisk Walking For Weight Loss Benefits

Brisk walking- comes under the category of low impact aerobic exercises. It helps in boosting up the energy levels and helps in burning off excess calories. Brisk walking for weight loss is effective once it is combined with a low calorie diet. Correct form of brisk walking is more important in order to achieve best results.

How many Calories Brisk Walking Helps In Burning?

Unlike other form of workouts where calorie burning is fast enough because of repetitions and form in which they are carried. The calories burned through brisk walking depends upon the number of factors. Most important is the weight and the speed with which the walking is carried out.

For example if a person weighs around 55kgs and covers a distance of about 4kph, which is approximately 3 to 4 kilometres. With 4 kilometres a person can burn easily around 170 calories per hour. If you want to burn more calories around 300 then it is ideal to burn around 6 to 7 kilometres  per hour. If you want to burn more calories then the speed also should be increased for maximum results. Read also Lose It Now, Weight Loss Program

According to a report published in Compendium Of Physical Activities if an average person walks at the speed of 2.5 to 3 kilometres, with a good walking speed and a heavy weight, then the number of calories burned can be marked out easily.

Results Achieved After Brisk Walking

In a study which was published in the American Journal Of Sports Medicine, conducted a research on women. In that study where 11 women of moderate weight lost about 8 kgs of their weight after doing brisk walk for a continuous period of 6 months.

Another study which was published in the Journal Of Exercise Nutrition And Biochemistry states that brisk walking helps in weight loss. In this study where obese women who walked 3 days in a week for a period of one hour lost around 2.7 kgs in 12 weeks. This proves that brisk walking does helps in losing weight and helps in burning off excess calories too. However in order to make it more efficient we must climb in incline position and increase the speed of workout too. Read also Simply Fit Me Diet plans

Other Benefits Of Brisk Walking

  • Brisk walking helps in maintaining a healthy weight loss and also helps in losing body fat from the body.
  • Helps in improving the cardiovascular health by maintaining a proper blood flow through the body.
  • Brisk walking helps in boosting up the metabolism of the body which results in a faster weight loss.
  • Brisk walking also helps in maintaining correct posture and balance of the body.
  • It also does helps in strengthening up immune system and reduces stress and tensions.
  • Brisk walking helps in improving the muscular endurance and helps in toning different muscles of the body.
  • Not only physical health brisk walking has an impact on mental health too such as improve in mood ,memory and sleep quality of the person.
  • Brisk walking also prevents the occurrence of various diseases such as heart, cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes etc.

Mistakes To Avoid While Brisk Walking

  • Keep your walking speed in a correct manner. Do not overdo the steps.
  • Do not cross your hands at the centerline of the body.
  • Keep your waist erect. Avoid twisting up the wrist positions.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid neck straining. Look forward.
  • Keep your posture erect. So not bend your back. Avoid hunching in front.
  • While walking keep your legs forward and keep your thighs flexed at the hip.

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