Common Mistakes When Trying To Lose Weight

Sometimes we follow a proper diet along with proper workout but still we fail in losing weightLosing weight seems to a tough job for most of the people. We are actually misleading ourselves by not following the proper sequence which helps in weight loss. Keeping a weight loss goal can actually help us to keep on track. Gradually and slow weight loss is not only healthy but also it is sustainable on a log term go. In this article we will be discussing some common weight loss mistakes that helps in hindering the weight loss goal.

1. Focus Only On Scale Weight:

Suppose if we start working out and after continuing it for few days we step on a weighing scale and we notice that we have not reduced even a single kg. Well, let that number not decide how well you are doing. Because they are chances that you might have lost fat and at the same time you have put on some muscle mass. Instead of measuring our weight in kilograms we should measure first in inches. We must notice some changes whether our waistline is reduced. If yes, then there is a good news that we have improved our body composition. So let the number not disturb our goal.

2. Doing Wrong Workout:

One of the major problem among common weight loss mistakes that people make is by doing wrong type of work outs. Most people think that doing cardiovascular exercise on a treadmill, running for long periods of time will help them reduce a lot of weight. This is true because cardio workout is not suitable for weight loss. An ideal weight loss diet would be a combination of weight training and high intensity intervals . Combination of weight training and cardio will help in losing weight 5 times faster than running on a treadmill alone.

3. Under Estimate The Calories:

In order to lose weight a person should consume calories less than the maintenance calories. A study shows that people underestimate the calories by as much as 50%. This is one of the major reasons why we fail to lose weight. Tracking every calorie can be boring. We can track calories every 10 days. In this 10 days we can get a rough idea as in how many calories a particular food contain. It is  not difficult but taking these small steps can helps us in achieving a lot.

4. Overloading Ourselves:

Doing weight loss is not a one or two day process. If we suddenly subject ourselves to a hard-core diet and start working out along. We should first take care of our diet and then go for exercise. First thing we should do is stop eating junk food outside. Then we should reduce the portion size of the meals. Instead of white rice we can opt for brown rice. We should not get bored by making too many changes at a time instead make small changes and get used to it.

5. Making It Uncomfortable:

Many people think that in order to lose weight starvation is a better option. This is one of the very common weight loss mistakes. We people skip meals they end up by eating more at one time. This is wrong because starvation is not sustainable. After working out for hours many people treat themselves with delicious food outside. This happens because we put ourselves into uncomfortable positions which are not sustainable for long. We need to eat the right food at the right quantities in order to lose weight.

6. Choosing Low Fat Foods Or Diet Foods:

We think eating a low fat diet or having diet foods are often considered great choices when trying to lose weight. But eating low fat foods can actually have a opposite effect on body. Many of the products labelled as low fat foods are loaded with sugar to improve their taste. For example a cup of low fat fruit yogurt contains a topping sugar which is nearly about 12 tea spoons. Fat free or diet foods are usually high in sugars and it may lead to end up eating more and feel more hungry.

7. Not Eating Enough Protein:

When we are trying to lose weight eating proteins become very much important for the body. It has been shown in many studies that eating protein helps in losing weight. While many of us start avoiding protein while loosing weight which is among very common weight loss mistakes. The intake of protein can lead to appetite reduction, increase the feeling of fullness along with decreasing the calorie intake. It also helps in boosting the metabolism of the body and protects our muscle mass during the process of weight loss. Eating optimal amount of proteins can helps us in weight loss. We must make sure that each of our meals should comprise of protein.

8. Not Eating Enough Fibre:

Eating good amounts of fibre is very important in order to lose weight. A low fibre diet may be very difficult and ends up in compromising the weight loss efforts. Among the fibres soluble fibres are the ones which helps in losing weight. Soluble fibres hold the water and forms a gel in the stomach which expands out. This helps in keeping us full for longer periods of time as this gel moves slowly through the digestive tract. When total fibre intake is high, calories from foods are not absorbed properly. According to the researchers eating good amounts of fibre could result in few calories absorbed up to 130 calories.

9. Eating Too Much Fat On A Low Carb Diet:

Low carbohydrates direct an be very effective for weight loss. According to studies low carbohydrate diet can lead to a reduction in calorie intake. Many low carbohydrate diet allows unlimited amounts of fat which results in suppressing the appetite which ends up in consuming low calories. However adding too much of fat in the diet can slow down the weight reduction process or prevents the body in losing weight.

10. Not Reading Labels:

When we fail to read the information provided on labels we ends up eating unwanted calories and consume unhealthy ingredients. Many foods often which are labelled as healthy and claims on the front packaging can actually give us a false assumption when we are choosing certain food items. To get the most important information regarding the product we need to check the ingredients list and the nutrition facts label at the back side of the product. So make sure to read the labels accurately.

11. Drinking Sugar:

We often cut down soft drinks and other beverages when we are trying to lose weight in fact it is a good thing to do. Many fruit juice claims to be healthy and we often switch to drink fruit juice as thinking it as a right choice. In fact a juice which claims to be 100% pure is also loaded with sugars which can lead to health and weight problems. These problems are even caused by the beverages too as we left them during the weight loss process. Example an unsweetened apple juice which is near to about 320 grams contains about 36 grams of sugar in it. These calories are even more than that of a cola bottle.

Common Mistakes When Trying To Lose Weight
How can I lose weight drastically fast?

We can lose weight drastically fast by eating good amounts of protein, consuming a high fibre diet, eating wholesome foods grains, avoiding on high calorie drinks etc.

What is the trick to lose weight?

In order to lose weight opt for black coffee without any additives, include green tea, go on a low calorie diet, change your lifestyle patterns, sleep for a good about 8 hours.

How can I lose 50 pounds in a month?

We can lose weight by being more physically active, controlling the portion sizes, eating more fruits and vegetables, cutting out sugar from the diet and also reducing the amount of fat from the diet.

What are the rules for losing weight?

In order to lose weight try not to skip any meals, have good amounts of protein in the diet, do not avoid carbohydrates , do not go for strenuous workouts at the beginning, include more vegetables and fruits in the diet etc.

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