Do Flax Seeds Help in Weight Loss, Nutritional Value & Benefits

Do Flax Seeds Help in Weight Loss, Nutritional Value & Benefits

Flax seeds are considered one of the versatile healthy foods which are used all across the world. They are added to salads, smoothies and various healthy dishes to include in the diet. Flax seeds have grown a lot in popularity due to the added health benefits they provide to the body. Of the listed health benefits, those flax seeds provide to the body is weight loss. Know here the nutritional facts about flax seeds along with their benefits for weight loss. In the end, various healthy recipes with flax seeds that can be used if you are trying to lose extra kilos.

What are flax seeds?

Flax seeds are also known as Alas, common flax and brown seeded flax. Flax plants are cultivated all over countries like Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean region. These brown seeds are nutritious and contain phytoestrogens in them. They are even rich in fibre.

Flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and are mainly cultivated for their seeds. Many health professionals and dieticians recommend including flax seeds in the diet on daily basis. Experts name them superfoods.

Flax seeds consumption help to boost our physical and mental health. Flax seeds are not only beneficial for humans but they are useful for pet foods as well. flax seeds plant is referred to as Linum usitatissium which means “most useful”. It can be obtained in two different varieties such as brown and golden upon cultivation.

Nutritional Properties of flax seeds

All these values are for ground flax seeds powder (1 tablespoon)

Calories37 calories
Protein1.3 grams
Fat3 grams
Fibre1.9 grams
Sodium 2.1 mg
Potassium 56.9 mg
Iron2% of RDI
Calcium1% of RDI
Magnesium6% of RDI

Nutritional information

1. Proteins in flax seeds

Flax seeds are an amazing source of plant-based proteins. They are enriched with amino acids namely arginine, aspartic and glutamic acid. The role of proteins is to assist in weight loss and helps to achieve a satiety index. Proteins also help to increase the levels of appetite-reducing hormones such as ghrelin. These brown nutty treats help to achieve weight loss and reduce fat.

2. The fibre in flax seeds

A book was published by the name “Healing foods” in which flax seeds were regarded as a great source of soluble fibres. Mucilaginous gum-like fibres are present in flax seeds which helps to lower unhealthy cholesterol in the body. Not even cholesterol blood sugar levels are managed to great extent along with suppression of hunger. The role of fibre is to make us feel full and break down fats. Healthy digestive health is vital for weight loss.

3. Good fats in flax seeds

As people tend to lose weight they start cutting down fats from their diet. The myth that people holds are eliminating fats from diet makes the weight loss process faster. But fats are as essential as other macronutrients. Flax seeds are an excellent source of good fats that we can add guilt-free to the diet. The omega-3 content in flax seeds helps to lower undesirable levels of fats in the blood.

Flax seed’s role in weight loss

Flax seeds have an essential role in the diet. They are mainly opted for weight loss due to their high fibre content. Upon consumption of flax seeds, they make us feel full.  One of the most important reasons for flax seeds to be added to the diet is that they are low in calories. Flax seeds help in suppressing appetite by reducing unwanted hunger pangs. Binge eating can be greatly controlled by the consumption of flax seeds.

It’s common practice to have some sort of snacks in between meals. When flax seeds are included in the diet upon mixing in some sort of snacks the urge to eat other meals can be greatly reduced. They manage appetite by reducing food consumption which helps in weight loss. Power breakfast can be enjoyed if flax seeds are included in different forms.

Several studies reveal that upon consumption of 2.5 grams of flax seeds in the diet could reduce appetite and hunger. Various hormones that control appetite can be triggered upon intake of flax seeds due to their rich fibre content. The digestion in the stomach is lowered to quite a much extent upon consumption. Due to this reason flax seeds help us in losing weight and makes us feel full for longer durations.

In 2017, a total of 45 different studies were undertaken in which researchers concluded that when flax seeds were added to the diet, such reduction was seen in waist circumference and BMI values of people.

How flax seeds help to cut off belly fat

Weight management can be achieved by incorporating healthy foods into the diet. Apart from weight management belly fat is something which we should take utmost care of. Flax seeds are regarded as an ideal food for those who have belly fat and bloating problems. The high fibre content of flax seeds keeps the digestive system in the tract and keeps bloating at bay. Flax seeds also aim to reduce tummy fat as well.

All fats are not bad for the body. Some good fats must be added to the diet in order to cut off fats from the body. Same way, flax seeds work. They have monounsaturated fats in them which greatly helps in visceral fat reduction and helps to maintain a flat stomach. Many experts often advise that flax seeds help to reduce body fat and lower cholesterol as well.

Health benefits of flax seeds

  • Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are essential fatty acids that are optimally needed for the body.
  • They are ideal for weight loss being low in calories and fibre rich too.
  • Flax seeds help to lower the risk of cancer as they are rich in lignans which have antioxidant properties in them.
  • Flax seeds also help to lower blood pressure and they are ideal for those who are suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Flax seeds are rich in high-quality proteins which makes them an excellent source for vegans.
  • They also help to lower bad cholesterol in the body due to their high fibre content.
  • Flax seeds lower the risk of diabetes and help to lower blood sugar levels due to the insoluble fibre in them.

When to eat flax seeds?

Flax seeds can be taken in the mornings as well as during bedtime. However, taking flax seeds during bedtime is more beneficial as they can increase the levels of fatty acids in the body. When healthy fatty acids are taken into the diet, heart diseases can be prevented to a greater extent along with the regulation of good cholesterol in the body.

How to eat flax seeds For weight Loss

Flax seeds can be taken in many ways in a diet. Taking them in the whole form can be slightly difficult in swallowing. However, when they are powdered can ease with intake. Flax seeds can be added to smoothies, and salads and even can be enjoyed with any sort of hot cereals. They are even more beneficial when mixed with flavoured yoghurts.

Side effects of flax seeds

People who are suffering from hormonal imbalances or endometriosis should avoid flax seeds in their diet. This is because the effects of estrogen are minimized in the body. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid flax seeds in their diet. They may experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea and even allergies.

Healthy flax seeds recipes for weight loss and tummy fat

The healthy recipes listed here contain ingredients that help to fight tummy fat and also aid in weight loss.

1. Flax seeds tea for tummy fat

Flax seeds tea is great for belly fat management. This tea helps to speed up the weight loss process as they are rich in proteins, calcium and vitamin D.

How to prepare flax seeds tea for tummy fat

  • In a vessel add one small glass of water.
  • Then add in 2 teaspoons of flax seeds in the whole form.
  • Then add a stick of cinnamon to the flax seeds.
  • Allow it to boil on a low medium flame for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Then strain off and squeeze out the juice of a half lemon.
  • Consume it daily at night.

2. Greek yoghurt and an avocado smoothie with flax seeds

Greek yoghurt can be an ideal food for a flat stomach diet. It helps to combat problems of bloating along with other digestive issues. This Greek yoghurt avocado flat belly smoothie helps to target belly fat and provides vital nutrients. This smoothie helps to keep us full for longer periods and increases the body’s intake of nutrients.

How to prepare Greek yoghurt and an avocado smoothie with flax seeds

  • Take a cup of Greek Yoghurt in a blender.
  • Then add avocado to it along with 2 tablespoons of flax seeds to it.
  • Blend out well and add some honey to it.
  • To it off with chopped almonds and walnuts.
  • Can be taken in the mornings to feel energetic.

3. Flax seeds overnight oats with blueberries

Berries work wonders in providing a flatter belly. According to research when berries are taken into the diet they help to target unwanted belly fat. They are rich in antioxidants and aid in burning belly fat. Flax seeds reduce tummy fat greatly. Oats are rich in soluble fibres that help with weight management.

How to prepare flax seeds overnight oats with blueberries

  • Take half a cup of rolled oats.
  • Then add some almond milk to it.
  • Now add 2 tablespoons of flax seeds powder to the oats mixture.
  • Now top it off with blueberries and keep them refrigerated on an overnight basis.

4. Spicy Flax seeds and egg pancake for a flatter tummy

The combination of flax seeds along with eggs works excellently for belly fat. Both are rich in proteins. Flax seeds help to target unwanted fat and reduce tummy.

How to prepare flax seeds and egg pancake for a flatter tummy

  • Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of flax seeds powder.
  • Add one whole egg to it.
  • Then add a tablespoon full of gram flour to the flax seeds and egg mixture.
  • Then add salt, chopped green chillies, and onions to the flax seeds mixture.
  • Add in some chopped coriander leaves and mix the mixture well.
  • Add in some water if needed to adjust pancake consistency.
  • Spread it out on a pan and cook on low flame for 5 minutes.
  • Flip to the other side and enjoy hot.

5. Flax seeds and fox nuts kheer with walnuts

Fox nuts also known as makhanas help us to keep full for long as they contain sufficient proteins in them. They are low in calories and prevent overeating and cravings. They are super healthy for the body. Flax seeds in combination with fox nuts make an excellent healthy combination and keep weight issues away.

How to prepare flax seeds and fox nuts kheer

  • Take 2 cups of milk in a vessel.
  • Allow it to boil for some time.
  • Meanwhile, in another pan add half a teaspoon of tea and dry roast some makhanas.
  • When they turn the crunchy switch off the flame.
  • When milk gets boiled then add in 2 tablespoons of flax seeds powder.
  • Add some jaggery for sweetness.
  • Then add dry roasted makhanas to the kheer prepared.
  • Switch off the flame and enjoy hot.

6. Indian spiced flax seeds chutney for weight loss

This chutney is low in calories and excellent addition while on diet. This chutney is rich in omega-3 fatty acids along with fibre and keeps the heart and weight healthy.

How to prepare Indian spiced flax seeds for weight loss

  • Take half a cup of flax seeds and soak them for half an hour.
  • In a blender add 6 to 8 dried red chillies along with 8 cloves of garlic.
  • Then add in some salt, and fresh coriander leaves along with zeera seeds.
  • Then in the same blender add soaked flax seeds along with some water.
  • Finally, blend out everything and prepare a thick consistency chutney out of it.
  • This chutney can be enjoyed while on weight loss.

The information mentioned here is not recommended by experts. It’s based on general information. For more health and fitness-related beauty tips check our official Instagram page @beautifulyoufit.

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