Does Cycling Good For Weight Loss?

Cycling is a recreational activity that involves a lot of fun. But this fun activity is equally effective and great for losing weight. Cycling is a form of cardio workout which helps in burning body fat which helps in weight loss. According to experts they say cycling can help in burning fat after 20 minutes of initial phase. It became a fitness trend which is followed by many people.

Does Cycling Good For Weight Loss

Basics Of Cycling

As cycling is a form of cardio workout which helps with both weight loss and fat loss. Cycling has to be done on a regular basis on a proper scheduled time.  If you want to reap weight loss benefits with cycling then make it a habit of doing at least for an hour. Gradually you can increase the intensity of cycling in order to gain more results.

Many fitness experts says, on an initial basis cycling should be done on a flat surface. Once tour body adapts to the mode then you can try taking it up hills for increasing the intensity of cycling. For beginners cycling for half an hour is enough to gain benefits. Cycling also helps in building up stamina strength. In order to make the body more adaptable stretching for 5 to 10 minutes before cycling will make it enough.

Effective Cycling Tips For Weight Loss

Cycling works great for toning up muscles and also strengthening bones of the body apart from weight loss. If cycling is carried with some tips then it will work in a more effective manner in order to lose weight. Some important tips are mentioned below to make cycling more effective in weight loss.

Calorie Burn While Cycling

Calorie burn while cycling depends on your weight and speed. The faster and longer you do cycling, you can burn more calories. As per Howard University research, A Person Weigh 155-pound, at speed of 12 to 13.9 miles per hour can burn 298 calories in 30 minutes. At a faster rate of 14 to 15.9 miles per hour, same person can burn 372 calories.

1. Time spent During Cycling

In order to lose weight, the total amount of time spent while cycling is more important. Before making up with timings its important to understand a person’s body’s metabolism. Metabolism varies from person to person. If we continue to do cycling for an hour, then we can easily burn up to 500k.calories. This way maximum weight loss benefits can be achieved in a period of 30 days.

2. Maintain Timings

Its very important to maintain a proper schedule for cycling. Plan cycling mostly in Morning before breakfast. When cycling is done on an empty stomach it helps in burning 20% more fat more effectively. With this schedule our energy levels will be raised up and this will also refresh your mind and body.

3. Take Longer Rides:

When starting initially cover up small distance. After initial phase challenge yourself for taking up more distance. The more you cover the distance the easier it will become for you to lose belly fat. Try taking up rides on less crowded areas.

4. Riding in Incline Position:

Once you get habituated for riding on plane surface then try cycling on Incline position. When we ride upwards we push our muscles harder that will help in burning more calories. When more calories are burned eventually it helps in faster weight loss.

5. Checking Posture:

Maintaining the correct posture while cycling is the key to lose weight. Make sure while cycling your correct posture is maintained along with speed and grip of ride. When you want to shed kilos proper maintenance of these small things are very important.

Is cycling good for reducing belly fat?

Yes, it is one of the effective exercise which helps in losing belly fat. Along with belly fat we can easily get rid of unwanted kilos while cycling.

Is 30 minutes of cycling enough?

At the initial level 30 minutes of cycling will be enough. Cycling also helps in building up stamina and strength levels.

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