Fast Weight Loss Tips For Women That Actually Work

Fast Weight Loss Tips For Women That Actually Work

A healthy living lifestyle for a women is definitely worth it. By practicing healthy eating habits, we can definitely reach our weight loss goal without giving up on tasty food and snacks. We can kick-start our weight loss regimen by following certain healthy yet smart hacks which becomes our life long practice. We should practice to make healthier food decisions by eating less, eating better and eating healthier. So here we try to give you Fast Weight Loss Tips For Women that can create difference, Read also Lose It Now, Weight Loss Program

Quick & Fast Weight Loss Tips For Women

Drink More Water:

Drinking more water will not only help us in staying hydrated but it will help us in losing weight too. This is so linked that drinking more water can help us in eating less food. When we practice the habit of drinking a glass of water before the meal we will eventually eat less food. Our body will not even feel hungry without eating less food. Water has ZERO calories in it. Water can be a great Choice of substitute for sugary drinks and beverages. Read also Drinking-Water To Lose Belly Fat Naturally

Control Your Plate Portion:

Research has shown that if we eat from a larger size of plate, we will be more likely to pile on more food in order to fill up the plate. If we swap for smaller bowls and utensils we are much likely to eat less food. Our eyes will trick the brain that we are eating more food even though the vessel utilized is smaller in size. This can be a fast & Quick Weight Loss tips for a women to cut down the food portions and reach to her Goal.

Keep Food Out of Sight:

If we have the habit of snacking now and then we should keep the food out of sight. This way it will help us in avoiding the food as much as we can. Even if we are not hungry if we visualize the food there are more chances to eat it. Try to store the food snacks and treats in a non transparent food container and store them in drawers. This way due to lack of visualization we are less likely to eat them.

Keep Your Plate Proper Plated:

When filling up your plate we should always keep in mind that half portion of the plate should be filled with veggies and one fourth portion should be filled with protein and another one fourth should be whole grains. If we plate the food in a proper way, it lowers the overconsumption of calories and keeps us full for longer periods of time.  Veggies helps in increasing the fibre intake from foods thus, we feel full.

Cook Your Own Meals:

By cooking our meals, we have a proper cut idea as what quality of ingredients we have used in preparing them. We also do know about the portion sizes and number of calories we are getting from our meals. This way we know much better so how to cut down the calorie intake by selecting the right choice of ingredients and salad dressings for the meal. Read also Pre and Post Workout Meals: Time Your Nutrition

Divide The Food On Your Plate:

When we often eat outside at restaurants we receive a huge pile of meal in order to achieve a fuller look to the plate. That full portion of meal can yield up to 1200 calories. We should practice the habit of dividing the food portion into half as much we can consume. The left over food can be packed and be used at the latter parts of the day. This way we are mindful enough of what and how much we are eating.

Limit Distractions During the Meal Time:

When we eat the food in a distracted manner our body will not be able to register so as how much and what we are eating. We end up consuming more amounts of food. Keep yourself away from social media and other distractions so that we can engage the food with the senses. We should enjoy every bite and feel the taste and flavour of the food. This way our mind tricks that we are full enough so as to stop eating.

Plan Your Meals Ahead:

Planning the meals is the most important weight loss hack. It not only saves time but also helps in efficiently carrying out the entire week process. If we plan the meals ahead before time we are much likely to avoid temptations for the rest of the week. We can opt for healthier food options and can manage it very quickly.

Keep Healthy Food Options Close:

We should be accessible to healthier food options in order to avoid the junk. We can plan ahead and keep healthier and nourishing food options around us. Low sugar options and get easy to grab food snacks should be our choice. We can grab for nuts, dried fruits, dark chocolate, fresh fruits, high protein bars with less sugar content etc. Some healthy dessert options can also be prepared before hand in order to satisfy the sweet cravings.

Find Healthier Food Replacements:

We should develop the habit of finding healthier and more nutritious food options rather than unrefined versions of food.  For example, all purpose flour can he replaced by whole wheat flour, chick pea flour, Ragi flour, multigrain millet flour etc. The same way processed foods should be replaced by whole foods and salad dressings such as mayonnaise should be replaced with low fat yoghurts in order to avoid the calorie pile up.

Practice Intermittent Fasting:

This is the most opted fasting plan which many people are practicing every now and then. This diet plan helps in controlling the calorie content of food which helps in losing weight. If we have the habit of eating 3 to 4 major meals a day, then this particular diet can help in breaking the meal into smaller time periods. This diet has a particular eating window during which foods can be eaten. This can be practiced in order to lose weight. Read also 9 Days Intermittent Fasting: Diet Plan & Workouts

Learn to Spot Sugar:

Its important to identify the sugar sources and the amount of sugar in the food in order to avoid calories. The sugar intake can be reduced by finding other replacements such as. Read also How to Quit Sugar And Food Substitutes For Sugar

  • sugar filled beverages can be replaced with plain water.
  • Home made sauces can be used instead of canned ones as they have a lot of sugar in them.
  • Processed foods should be avoided as they contain sugar along with other ingredients.
  • Instead of using white sugar switch to raw honey or brown sugar.
  • Avoid using artificial sweeteners.

Use Apps Can Be a Fast Weight Loss Tips For Women

We should make use of technology instead of just wasting our time on social media. There are many food apps available which helps in keeping the account on how much calories we consumed. Our nutritional profile is also updated as we can keep a track on meals. Apps can be a great way in order to know how much food we are eating and what quality of food we choosed. Food Journals can also help us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I trick my body into less eating?
  • We can trick our body into less eating by eating enough of protein, opting for more fibre rich foods, choosing water over sugary drinks, eating mindfully, avoiding empty calories.

    What foods make you eat less?

    If we opt for a bowl of soup before a meal, then this could help us in eating less food. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten in order to fill up the stomach with more fibre, lean protein sources should be opted in order to avoid hunger pangs and promotes the feeling of fullness to the stomach.

  • What are the hunger killing foods?
  • Hunger killing foods are rich in fibre so as to reduce the food intake and promotes the feeling of fullness to the body. Oat meal, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, should be the choice of food option.

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