How To Lose Thigh Fat Diet & Workout Tips

How To Lose Thigh Fat: Diet & Workout Tips

There’s a reason many women tend to gain weight around their thighs and buttocks area. We need to follow calories in and out equation where we need to stay in calorie deficit in order to lose weight. Exercises can be performed in order to burn fat from the body. Anaerobic exercise which involves HIIT proves to be highly effective for weight loss. Inner thigh fat can be reduced by eating whole and processed foods. Refined foods should be avoided in the diet. Let’s take a look on how to reduce thigh fat. Also Know 9 Days Weight Loss Challenge

Simple Diets to Follow, While Trying To Lose Thigh Fat

1. Watch Your Salt Intake

Salt helps the body to retain more of water that  causes bloating in the body. This bloating changes the shape of entire body parts including hips, thighs and abdominal area. When we cut back on salt immediate change can be noticed in the body as water follows salt. So lesser you consume salt your body retains lesser water.

2. Have More Electrolytes

Electrolytes mainly refers to salts in the body. These salts are calcium, magnesium, potassium that make up the electrolyte salts. These are easily available in healthy foods and can be obtained through diet. The more Electrolytes we consume our body retains lesser amounts of salts.

3. Cut Back On Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are converted into glycogen and stored along with water in muscles and liver. Our body stores more water, the more we eat carbohydrates. That’s why low carbohydrates are taken in order to lose weight. In carbohydrates whole grains should be consumed as they are rich in fibre and keeps us satisfied.

4. Do Some Strength Training

When we target any particular muscle in order to lose fat strength training helps in that ways. Try focusing on workouts which helps to burn thigh fat. Those include lunges, squats, leg raises, bench workouts, lateral raises etc. Exercises helps in building muscle and strength in your thighs by following it every day. Also Read Jogging for Weight Loss: Is It Really Helpful

5. Track Your Meals

By keeping a record of food intake you can keep an eye on calories. Eating less calories helps in shedding fat from the body. Meal planning finds a better solution for keeping a track of calories. This way we knows better what and how much we are consuming in the diet.

6. Train And Strengthen Your Thighs

You need to train your thighs by doing different workouts in order to lose fat. Select any set of workout of your choice. Then after completing initial stages try doing 3 to 4 sets from each workout as this will help to get better results much faster then going only one set. You can also mix and match your workouts accordingly to preferences in order to work more better.

7. Relax Yourself

A hormone named cortisol is released because of stress production in the body. If you exercise continuously by stressing down yourself and having inadequate sleep then you can’t find any of the results from your workout. Its very important to relax yourself after a strenuous workout. Find your own relaxation by reading books, hanging out or practice meditation.

8. Eat More Fibre And Protein:

Its important to pack up your meals with macronutrients such as proteins and fibre in order to lose fat and speed up the weight loss process. Protein addition in your diet helps you to feel more fuller and gives satiety to the stomach. Try to include fibre in your diet as it goes better for proper functioning of your gut. 25 to 30 grams of fibre should be included in the diet.

Exercises To Lose Thigh Fat at Home

These exercises helps in targeting mainly inner and outer thighs and helps to lose thigh fat in a much faster way. While trying, make sure you have more focus on the diet seriously.

1. Sumo Squat

For this workout stand with your toes pointed forward. Then go down into a deep squat in a sumo position. Push your body back and feel the stretch in your inner and outer thigh area. So push up to a squat, squeeze down and up again. Knees should be pointed outwards during this workout. This workout works on inner thigh fat. Do at least 15 repetitions.

2. Side Lunge Knee Lift

Stand in the centre then step down to your side. Then move back to normal  position and raise your knee upside. This completes one repetition. This workout targets both outer and inner thigh muscles. In this side lunge push through your knees. Repeat doing the same with other leg too. Try doing 15 repetitions each side of your leg.

3. Curtsy Lunge

In curtsy lunge you need to point both toes outward. Keep your left leg forward and then move your right leg backwards. Keep your right leg in a tip toe position and go down in a curtsy lunge position. Point your knees outwards and push up through your knees and then go down in lunge position. It works on outer glutes and thighs as well. Switch over with other leg in the same position. Do 20 repetitions for each leg.

4. Lateral Squat Walk:

Stand with your shoulders apart then go down into a squat position. Remain in the squat position and then move 2 steps to the right side and then again 2 steps to the left side. The goal of this workout is to be in squat position and feel the squeeze in the outer thighs while you move to the sides. Keep your movements slow. Keep moving left and right for 20 repetitions.

5. Criss Cross Squat Walk:

For this workout stand with your shoulders apart. This workout is a high intensity workout that pumps the heart rate up. Then go down into a squat position then immediately move upside and then jump by Criss crossing your legs followed by squats again. Continue to squat down then jump upside and Criss cross over. This helps in burning thigh fat. Criss cross for about 20 repetitions.

6. Glute Kickback With Side Crunch:

For this exercise sit on the floor by taking the support of your hands. Then kick back your leg to backwards then move it sideways then again kick back then back to normal position. Keep repeating first raising your leg then kicking back towards then to side. Switch the same with your left leg also. Keep doing 20 kick backs for this workout for either of the leg.

What Kind Of Foods Make Your Thighs Fat?

Food doesn’t make any person fat. It’s the calories that helps a person in depositing fat in the body. When excess calories is consumed in the diet they are stored as fats. High fat and sugary foods like French fries and sugar candies can shoot up the calorie requirements. Eating junk food more often can quickly results to fatter thighs. Instead of opting for junk foods make smart Choices by selecting healthy foods.

Healthy foods are high in calories but they are enriched with good calories that provide body additional vitamins and minerals along with other macronutrients which are required by the body. So make more healthier choices before opting for food.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to lose thigh fat?

The fastest way to lose fat is decrease in your salt intake, add more electrolytes in your diet, cut down in carbohydrates, include more of cardio and HIIT workouts in your routine.

What cause thigh fat?

There can be many reasons for thigh fat for example a diet which is too high in sugars and fat. Junk foods also causes thigh fat. Hormonal changes also contribute to thigh fat as estrogen hormone increases can cause  fat deposition in the thighs and hips area.

Can walking reduce thigh fat?

Brisk walking is quite effective in burning out thigh fat. It is a great form of cardio workout. By doing brisk walk it also helps to tone your legs and can cause reduction in thigh fat. Walking also helps to tone down calves, glutes and hamstrings.

What food help lose thigh fat?

Whole grains should become a part of your meals like oats, quinoa, buckwheat, barley. They contain carbohydrates along with  various nutrients. Protein should be a part of diet. Include more of fruits and vegetables for surplus supply of vitamins and minerals.

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