Which Is Better For Weight Loss: Cardio or Weights

Which Is Better For Weight Loss: Cardio or Weights

Cardio and weight training are the two most popular forms of workout which many people choose in order to lose weight. But most of the people are confused about which will work best -Cardio or weights for weight loss. Here is today’s article, different things will be discussed that help in weight loss and their benefits too. Read also: Burpees Exercise Benefits and Weight loss

How Cardio Helps In Weight Loss

Weight loss can be achieved when a person is in a negative energy balance. That means the output of the person should be more than the input. A person needs to be in calorie deficit In order to lose weight. Some people achieve it through diet or some by workouts. The best way is to have a balanced diet combined with strength and cardio.

Cardio workouts are regarded as the most efficient calorie burners as they are performed at a higher intensity. According to Harvard Health, when running is performed at 8.6 miles per hour the calories burned could be 539k. calories. Running actually regulates appetite hormones better than walking.

Cardio can be done more frequently than strength training because after lifting weights our muscles require rest, whereas cardio can be performed on all days. Metabolism can be boosted by trying higher-intensity workouts like running faster, jumping higher or climbing hills. That way more calories can be burned which helps a person to lose weight.

Best Cardio Workouts For Weight Loss

Cardio workouts are best for weight loss. When the intensity of the workout increases then calorie burning even becomes higher. Here are the top 10 cardio workouts for weight loss.

Sprinting- This cardio workout tops the weight loss list as it’s simple yet very effective. It can be done anywhere at any time. Read also: Best Cardio Exercise for Weight loss at Home

  • High-intensity interval training – HIIT helps to burn tons of fat and calories. Calories can vary up to 500 to 1500 per hour depending upon intensity and mode. Rest for minimum time and maximize moves.
  • Rowing-It incorporates both the upper and lower body. On a rowing machine with moderate speed 800 calories can be burned easily.
  • Swimming- It’s another great total body workout. When a person swims faster for a minute it can burn 14 calories. Different strokes should be tried off.
  • Cycling- Cycling at moderate speed can burn up to 600 to 675 k. calories. If the intensity is higher a person can burn up to 1000 calories. It maximises calorie burning in a short time.
  • Kettlebells- Kettlebell is another type of cardio which involves strength too. A minute can burn up to 20k.calories. practising for 30 minutes can burn up to 400 to 600k.calories.
  • Jumping rope-It’s cheap enough yet burns get a number of calories. A person can burn up to 500 calories when used for 30 minutes.
  • Stair climber- Stair climbing apart from burning calories helps to strengthen legs too. At moderate speed, a person can burn up to 500 to 600 calories.
  • Running- Running maintains muscle mass. Long runs could be beneficial in order to avoid boredom. An hour of running at high speed can burn up to 800 to 900 calories.
  • Elliptical machines- Those who have any joint issues or bones can make use of these machines. Their impact is low but calorie burning is great. An hour of practice can burn up to 400 to 500 calories.

How Weights Help In Weight Loss

Many people have a mindset that lifting weights can make women look bulky. This is not true at all. No doubt, weights are used by bodybuilders. But in order to build muscle mass, it takes years and a person needs to eat more calories than they burn. Weight lifting does help to burn calories but not as much as of cardio workouts.

Weight lifting helps to lose weight by building muscle mass. Muscles are metabolically active and help to burn calories while at rest too. A combination of both will work well for weight loss. When a person loses weight it doesn’t only lose fat. In fact, along with fat, fat mass, glycogen stores and muscle mass are even lost. Weight training helps to preserve muscle mass and make metabolism boost.

A much weight loss results are not seen at the beginning because muscle is heavier than fat. Inch loss is seen but no changes can be seen on the scale. Read also: Skipping or Jumping Rope For Weight Loss

How To Do Weight Lifting To Lose Weight

  • Most people choose heavier weight at the initial level in order to see faster progress. That actually wrong. Try to choose a weight that you can choose at least 15 to 17 times with ease. If you can complete the reps then challenge your body and go for heavier weights.
  • Practising one set of workouts will not help you. It will be great if you can go for 2 to 3 sets. Adding one set in another week could be great if you can see progress.
  • After practising weight training for 3 weeks add new sets and build a strong workout foundation. Life heavier weights so that reps can be finished off more easily.
  • Try adding a rep each week until maximum reps can be practised. Reps count should not be more than 16 in number. When weights are increased then reps can be dropped to 10 or 12. Read also: Resistance Training For Weight Loss

Cardio VS Weights

CardioWeight lifting
Cardio workouts help in strengthening the cardiovascular system. It’s a total overall body workoutWeight training targets specific muscle groups and proper form and motion and enhances muscle size and strength.
Cardio burns more calories than weight training.Weight training even helps to burn calories but is not as effective as cardio
With cardio weight loss results can be seen within a period of months.Weight training is not effective for weight loss as it builds muscle mass. Inch loss can be seen
Cardio is budget-friendly and doesn’t require any fancy equipment.Equipment is required and may not be able for everyone to reach
Cardio is effective for burning fat and it doesn’t preserve muscle mass.Weight lifting can add up strength and increase muscle mass. It helps to boost metabolism too.
Cardio workouts if practised for half an hour can burn up to 500 to 600 calories depending upon the workout.Weight training can burn fewer calories than cardio. It can burn up to 200 to 250 calories on half an hour basis depending upon the workout.

Cardio and weight lifting have their own importance. Generally, after weight loss, a person’s skin becomes lost. This is because skin expands as a person gains weight. As soon as it sheds enough the skin becomes loose. The benefit of weight training is that the appearance of loose skin can be greatly reduced as muscle mass is built up. Its advisable that along with weight training cardio should also be involved in order to achieve faster results.

How can I tighten my loose skin after weight loss?

Loose skin can be prevented upon practising different moves like lunges, sumo squats, deadlifts, chest presses, and arms bent over. Try using weights while practising and keep an eye on the rep’s performance

Are 30 minutes of cardio enough a day in order to lose weight?

30 minutes of cardio is enough for the weekdays in order to lose weight. The intensity of the workout matters a lot which can give an estimate of calories burned.

Does cardio flatten the stomach?

Among cardio, there are certain moves which target especially belly fat. Planks, running, and sprinting are great for losing belly fat.

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