Custard For Weight Loss: Nutrition & Calories

Custard For Weight Loss: Nutrition & Calories

When it comes to weight management, making informed choices about your nightly snacks is crucial. Custard is a popular dessert enjoyed by many, but its impact on weight loss or gain depends on various factors. we’ll delve into the nutritional aspects of custard, its calorie content, and whether sugar-free options can be a better choice for those aiming to shed pounds. Additionally, we’ll explore the disadvantages of custard powder.

Custard Healthy for Weight Loss

Custard, while delicious, is relatively high in calories due to its ingredients like milk, sugar, and eggs. Consuming it in moderation can be part of a balanced diet, but overindulging may contribute to weight gain. It’s important to be mindful of portion sizes, especially if you’re aiming for weight loss.

Custard Nutrition

Custard serves as a beneficial provider of essential nutrients, including calcium and B vitamins, with a notable emphasis on vitamin B12. These elements play a crucial role in fortifying bones, promoting digestive well-being, and supporting overall cellular health.

Total Fat7.2g
Saturated Fat3.6g
Trans Fat0g
Polyunsaturated Fat0.7g
Monounsaturated Fat2.6g

Custard Calories

The calorie content of a bowl of custard can vary based on the recipe and serving size. On average, a small bowl of custard can contain around 150-200 calories. It’s crucial to factor in the ingredients used, such as whole milk or cream, as they can significantly impact the overall calorie count.

Does Custard Make You Fat?

The calorie content of custard can contribute to weight gain if consumed excessively. The sugar and fat content in traditional custard recipes may be a concern for those watching their weight. Opting for smaller servings or exploring healthier alternatives can help manage calorie intake.

Is Sugar-Free Custard Good for Weight Loss?

Sugar-free custard can be a better option for those focusing on weight loss. By eliminating or reducing added sugars, you can lower the calorie content of the dessert. However, it’s essential to be cautious with artificial sweeteners and opt for natural alternatives when possible.

1 Bowl Fruit Custard Calories

The calorie content of fruit custard will depend on the fruits and custard recipe used. While adding fruits can enhance the nutritional value, it’s essential to be mindful of the added sugars. On average, a bowl of fruit custard may contain around 200-250 calories.

Disadvantages of Custard Powder

Artificial Additives: Custard powder often contains artificial additives and preservatives, which may not align with a natural and whole-food-focused diet.

High Sugar Content: Traditional custard powder recipes may include a significant amount of sugar, contributing to excess calorie intake and potentially impacting weight management.

Processed Ingredients: The processing of custard powder involves several steps that may strip away some of the natural nutrients found in whole foods.

Allergen Concerns: Individuals with allergies to ingredients like milk or eggs, common in custard powder, should exercise caution.


Custard can be a part of a balanced diet when consumed in moderation. while those looking to gain weight can incorporate custard into their calorie intake. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the disadvantages associated with custard powder and make informed choices based on individual health goals. As with any dietary choices, moderation and variety are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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