How To Burn Calories Fast At Home

How To Burn Calories Fast At Home & Lose Weight?

In order to lose weight calorie burning should be the first priority. When most of the calories are burned it helps a person in losing weight. Following a low calorie diet is mandatory for weight loss on the other hand if it is combined with workouts either at gym or home it helps to speed up the weight loss process. Apart from hitting gym there are certain workouts which can be  carried at home which is equally effective as well as simple in order to burn calories. In todays article we will discuss some healthy dietary tips to reduce the calorie intake as well as some easy home workouts to burn out calories in order to lose weight. Read also 9 Days weight Loss Challenge Free Diet and Workout Ideas

Workouts To Burn Calories

We can generally prefer workouts that burns a lot of calories in a short period of time. The key for weight loss is to focus on High intensity workouts that pump up the heart rate. This workout involves mostly aerobic exercises with short intervals rest in between.

High Knee Jumping

High knee jumping helps in burning a lot of calories in a short period of time. This workout will pump up your heart rate at the same time helps in giving strength to the lower body as well. High knee jumps are a vigorous form of cardio workout. Read also Jogging for Weight Loss: Is It Really Helpful


  • High knee jumps are very easy to do. You have to just run in one place and try lifting your knees as high as possible with good strength. At the same time you need to raise your arms quickly up and down while running.
  • If high knee jumps are performed for 30 minutes it helps in burning off approximately 250 calories.

Butt Kicks

Just like high knee running butt kicks too are a form of cardio workout. If it is performed at high intensity it helps to quickly burn calories up to 250 to 300. This is a good and fast calorie burning at home workout. Brisk Walking For Weight Loss Benefits


  • You just have to jog at one place without moving further.
  • While jogging lift your one heel towards the butt and then continue repeating with other heel.
  • Along with heels try moving your arms up and down.

Mountain Climbing, Best To Burn Calories at Home

This is also a cardio form of workout. This workout involves complete body movements that will help in burning maximum calories in a short period of time. We just need to continue workout as we climb on a mountain. Mountain Climbers Exercise and Its Benefits


  • Obtain a plank position first.
  • Then place your shoulders over the hands with the core engaged.
  • Then lift your right knee towards the chest then again return back to plank position.
  • Repeat the same with other leg as well. Repeat as quickly as possible to maintain high intensity in order to burn calories.


Sprinting is a total body workout that targets our hips, hamstrings and calves as well. Sprinting also promotes fat loss by increasing the metabolism of the body Sprinting involves running over a short distance at the top most speed of the body in a limited period of time. One minute of Sprinting burns 20 calories. Many sports persons and even celebrities take Sprinting as a form of exercise.


Running is an excellent form of exercise that helps in weight loss. High intensity  running helps to burn calories even after doing it. It helps to burn a lot of calories. Running also suppress the appetite and targets belly fat. High intensity types of running like hill repeats and  intervals runs can continue to burn calories up to 48 hours after the workout is finished. Running helps in losing weight by lowering the production of certain hunger hormones at the same time increases the production of satiety hormones. Read also Lose It Now, Weight Loss Program

Stationary Bicycling

:Cycling when practiced at a higher intensity helps in lowering the body fat levels which also helps in promoting healthy weight management. Apart from this cycling helps in boosting the metabolism of the body and also helps in building body muscles which allows us to  burn more calories while we are at rest. Cycling can burn up to 400 to 1000 calories per hour depending upon the intensity and the rider weight.

Aerobic Dance

Calories are not burned by only workouts. But it a habits that actually matters and helps you in maintaining weight. Dancing is a form of cardio workout and it pumps up the heart beat and helps in burning calories. Besides burning of calories and fat dancing also helps in increasing muscle strength. A person’s weight determines the number of calories burned. If a person weighs less we can burn more calories and if weighs more then less calories are burned. Zumba and hip hop are more popular workout forms to burn calories at home and lose weight naturally.

Know Your Calories Intake
Basic Information
Activity Level
Your results:
Target calorie intake per day:

Healthy Eating Habits To Lower The Calories

This is a fact either you lower your calorie intake or you should burn the extra calories, if you want to maintain or lose weight. But Controlling calories or lowering calories intake is easier than to burn it by doing vigorous exercises. So Here are some important habits to follow in order to lower your calories intake and lose weight naturally.

  • In order to lower the calories first we need to do portion control. Portion controlling is important as it helps in reducing the food intake which in turn reduces calories.
  • Cut down refined carbohydrates from the diet as they lack nutritional properties and aids in weight gain.
  • Intake of protein is very important for physical well being and in order to lose weight. Protein promotes fullness and helps in boosting metabolism and reduces appetite too.
  • Start taking healthy fats which raise the HDL levels in the body and cut down LDL levels from the body.
  • Staying hydrated is very important as it has numerous role in body functioning.
  • Try avoiding sugary soft drinks and fruit juices which can add up to calories.
  • Physical activity is a must in order to burn the calories consumed and helps in weight management too.
  • Try avoiding sauces like ketchup and mayonnaise which adds calories unknowingly when we consume salads.
  • In take of fruits and vegetables are very important as they provide numerous vitamins and minerals to the body.
  • Fibre is a key nutrient which adds bulk to the diet and promotes the feeling of fullness in the diet.
  • When consuming beverages like tea and coffee try going sugar free as it reduces the calories.
  • Junk foods should be avoided because packaged and processed foods contain trans fats in them which is harmful for the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is dancing a good way to lose weight?

Dancing is a form of aerobic exercise which helps in burning calories. Dancing also helps in building muscle strength. Building of lean muscle mass helps in burning off body fat and also tone out muscles.

How can I burn 500k.calories a day at home?

We can burn by involving in different forms of physical activities like running, cycling, climbing stairs, dancing, house hops chores etc.

What burns the most fats?

High intensity intervals training exercises burns most of the body fat. HIIT is an intense form of cardio workouts which helps in burning of more calories in a short period of time. Example: Sprinting.

How do I burn calories in a day?

We can burn calories by taking simple steps which can help in weight loss such as reducing sugar from the diet and eating small and frequent meals. Apart from this taking low fat milk products also helps in controlling calories.

Does sweating burns fat?

The main reason of sweating during a workout is the internal body heat which is coming off as a result of energy expenditure. Sweating doesn’t burn body fat, the internal cooling process of the body is a sign that we are burning calories.

Do we lose calories when we sleep?

Yes sleeping burns out calories. Approximately we burn around 50 calories per hour while we sleep.

What vegetables burn belly fat?

Vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, pumpkin, carrots, beans help in burning belly fat.

Is 30 minutes of cardio workout enough for the body?

30 minutes of cardio is enough in order to burn out calories. It helps  in losing overall body weight and has in weight management too.

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