How To Stop Overeating For Weight loss

How To Stop Overeating For Weight loss

Eating in the right form is very important for the body. Eating patterns vary from person to person. Overeating is also an eating pattern, which can be described in simple words as going beyond what is needed for the body. As proper fuel does leave a lot of benefits for the body, the same way over-eating patterns can also cause stomach disturbances and diversion from weight loss goals.

So, here we are today to guide you in a proper form that how you can prevent yourself from overeating during your weight loss journey. Before moving on to the ways to stop overeating, let’s see some of the signs that should be kept in mind to know if you are overeating.

Signs of Overeating

The calorie requirement varies according to the individual to individual. It could be hard to determine calorie requirements on their own because every individual has their own health goals. It also regarded that counting calories when taking a meal could result in adverse effects as an interruption to meeting health goals.

Some of the possible signs of overeating are:

  1. When we are full we still continue to eat as one cannot resist tasty food. So, if you are full then stop.
  2. If one feels bored and distracted, mindless eating should not be attempted.
  3. If one goes over the board, one can feel nausea, gas, stomach discomfort, bloating, heartburn, etc.
  4. Apart from gaining energy, it fuels the body just for taste purposes.

All the above are short-term side effects of overeating but some possible long-term side effects are weight gain, difficulty to lose weight and digestive discomfort etc. When signs have seen their way possible to stop overeating as this could be a great hurdle for those attempting weight loss.

If overeating is continued for a prolonged period of time then it could affect health conditions such as an increase in blood cholesterol, risk for type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.

How to Stop Overeating for Weight loss

There can be many possible signs that could indicate stopping overeating as weight loss becomes quite difficult.

1. Get to know about portion sizes

If a person does not have knowledge about calories and ingredients then he can take the help of food labels and reputable sources that could be perfect. Serving sizes could be hard to guess on one’s own. In that case, the guidelines written on food labels will give a perfect picture of serving size.

While eating serve your food on smaller plates so that food quantity can be decreased. This helps to avoid overeating which can result in weight loss.

2. The inclusion of Fibre sources with meals is important

The feeling of fullness and satiety could be achieved with fibre intake. For example, if a plate of roasted vegetables is compared with a  plate of cheese, both of which contains the same amount of calories. The thing to be noticed is vegetables are full of fibre while cheese lacks fibre in it. Due to fibre one can get easily full which could prevent overeating for weight loss.

3. Do not skip meals

Intermittent fasting is a trendy plan which is leading due to weight loss results. Some people take this diet plan in a  feast manner which could lead to overeating. If a meal is skipped then the person is more hungry at the next meal which could result in overeating. Apart from this, take smaller meals at regular intervals at snacks so that peak hunger is avoided.

4. Food limitation and easily accessible foods should be avoided

Every individual has their own favourite choice of drinks and foods. A food journal should be maintained, this is because it helps to keep an account of eating habits and we get to know foods we struggle to eat. Calorie-dense foods which are high in salt, sugar, trans fats and empty calories are mostly overeaten. Not even unhealthy, even healthy foods should not be overeaten because it can cause digestive distress.

5. Hydration is the key

Sometimes hunger is often mistaken for thirst. If a person is hungry or craving a snack then take a few sips of water, this step actually helps to determine whether you are hungry or thirsty. Staying hydrated throughout the day can actually help to avoid those overeating habits that could be a hurdle for weight loss

6. Be mindful of why you are eating and what you are eating

Food is needed for purpose of nourishing and energizing. Just for the purpose of eating do not eat mindlessly and differentiate between meal time and snacks. If attention is not paid to why and what you are eating then one cannot know the body’s appetite and hunger. When you actually don’t know when to stop eating then this could lead to overeating.

7. Slow down at the time of meal consumption

The best way to avoid overeating is to pay attention to your body’s needs and realise whether you are full or not. Portion sizes can actually help, but it’s important to slow down at meals to get realise. The ultimate goal of eating is to fill the stomach and fuel the brain. In a time period of 20 minutes, the stomach can fill up. If one is realizing that they are full then find ways to slow down at your meals.

8. Rethink when food is second served

Food should be consumed in a slow manner and when serving yourself for a second time, think again. If food is served a second time, think again and have water actually to know if you are hungry. If still you are serving then serve vegetables for yourself.

9. Stay away from social media

When food is eaten quietly without any distractions then we are more attentive towards it. if social media is used then a person can mindlessly eat and overeats in their way. Turn off your TV and stay away to avoid mindless eating. When food is eaten without distractions then it connects with a body that actually helps in the nourishing body.

10. Grace yourself

At times of holidays and break time, give yourself some grace so that overeating could be prevented. In order to avoid overeating your favourite foods, take them in moderation so that the craving is suppressed. With this, the chances of overeating are prevented which helps in weight loss.

10. Triggering foods should not be stocked

When triggered foods are pinpointed then overeating can be avoided too much extent. For example, if one feels like chocolates are triggering foods then they should not be stocked in the fridge so that there are fewer chances of overeating. Healthy snacking foods should be eaten at that time so that overeating is prevented.

11. Favourites should not be banned at once

When food is eaten in a restrictive manner then there are high chances of building up cravings. Diets that do not allow whole, unprocessed foods are absolutely good but occasional treats are always good. Food should be eaten in a nutritious and healthy manner to give an enjoyable experience for the body.

12. Avoid eating from containers

Things such as chips and ice creams should not be eaten straight from cartons. This is because one cannot know about serving size. Instead of this, take some portion in a plate so that one can know how many calories are taken in one attempt.

13. Stress levels should be reduced

Stress has a great hold to make a person overeat. Ways should be found to get down stress levels. When stress levels are more in the body then it can lead to a raise in the level of cortisol in the blood which increases the appetite leading to overeating. Overeating due to stress can result in weight gain.

14. Fill on protein

The role of protein is to keep us full and reduce the desire to overeat throughout the day. If a protein-rich breakfast is taken then the desire to reduce hunger and snacks can be avoided. Eggs are one of the protein-rich foods which help to lower the level of the hormone ghrelin which has a role in stimulating hunger.

15. Blood sugar levels should be stabilised

When refined flour and sugary foods are taken into the diet then it causes a spike in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels fluctuate in the body, hunger is promoted which causes one to overeat. When low glycaemic foods are taken, blood sugar levels are not spiked enough which reduces the chance of overeating. Other great options are beans, brown bread and brown rice etc.

16. Healthy fats should be consumed

When foods rich in healthy fats are taken into diet then this can actually help to eat less. It’s known that foods rich in high fat make weight gain but healthy fats are good enough. Some examples are avocados, nuts, seeds, nutty butter, olive oil etc.

When the above tips are taken into consideration, it’s way easier to break the habit of overeating. For more guidance registered dieticians and health care professionals can greatly help.

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