Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss

Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss

Honey and sugars are both a source of carbohydrates which increases the blood sugar levels upon consumption of them. Honey uses processed when compared to sugar and it is also a source of vitamins, minerals too. If both of them are used in moderation they can prevent weight gain. In today’s article we will discuss about the Nutritional Facts of honey and sugar and Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss. Read Also Foods That Causes Obesity or Weight Gain

Honey and Its Health Benefits

  • Honey is consumed in liquid form and its colors vary from place yellow to brown depending upon the nectar.
  • It is primarily composed of mainly fructose and glucose and also contain some amount of vitamin C, minerals and other antioxidants as well.
  • Flavonoids are the antioxidants which are primarily found in honey which has anti inflammatory roles to offer in the body.
  • A teaspoon of honey provides about 22 calories but a teaspoon of sugar provides about 16  calories.
  • If raw honey is used it can help in alleviating the allergies in the body.
  • As it contains fructose we should use in smaller amounts as it adds sweetness
  • Apart from providing sweetness it has antimicrobial properties too which kills germs.
  • It also helps in relieving from cough and sore throats and also helps in would healing.
  • Honey can be eaten raw and it requires less processing than sugar as it becomes ready after going a simple pasteurization.

Side Effects of Honey

It is higher in calories and primarily composed of sugars so it has to be used in smaller amounts. Honey should not be given to children under one year as it can cause bacterial infections to the infants. Also Know Best Low Calories Fruits For Weight Loss

Sugars Benefits

  • Sugar has no added vitamins and minerals to it and it is a combination of glucose and fructose which bonds to form sucrose.
  • It is available in different forms and we yield it after undergoing different processing like refined sugar, granulated sugar, brown sugar, icing sugar etc.
  • Brown sugar is used in baking purpose and it has trace nutrients in it which is a combination of white sugar and molasses.
  • White sugar less refined version has larger crystals but doesn’t have much change in nutritional value.
  • Sugar has a longer shelf life and low in calories too when compared to honey as it provides 16 calories in one teaspoon.
  • It Is basically a form of carbohydrate which is a fuel for the body and brain to function properly.

Sugar Side Effects

It can help in gaining weight and takes time to digest when compared with honey. It so helps in increasing the risk of certain diseases particularly diabetes. Most of processed foods are composed of sugars which helps in gaining weight much faster.

Is Honey Better Than Sugar

After referring to their composition and also the roles which they offer both of them accounts in providing sweetness to the meals. When anyone if it is overconsumed it  an account for calories besides providing various serious health disorders to the body. Of the two honey has a better role to offer as it has antioxidants and other nutrients which make it a healthier choice to opt it.

On the other hand sugar has no nutrients and it is primarily used in baking purpose besides providing calories in the diet resulting in weight gain. It also helps in spiking the blood sugar levels of the body which is not better for the health.

Honey has a low glycemic index when compared to sugar. As honey is low in glycemic index it do not raise the blood sugar levels more quickly when compared to those with sugar. But that doesn’t mean we can consume it fearlessly as it can add up calories if  consumed in excess amounts. Try using in moderation amounts.

Tips For Cutting On Sweeteners That Helps In Weight Loss

Here are the tips for cutting down calories when sweeteners are used

Adjust Your Intake

Make a healthier choice by adjusting your intake of sweetness. Try to use any form of sweetness in moderation so that the load of calories are reduced. Instead of using a tablespoon of sugar in your tea or coffee try to reduce the quantity to half. This goes the same when you bake  any stuff try t reduce the quantity as you can enjoy your favourite goodies without piling much on calories.

Substitute With Extracts Or Sweet Spices

To add on more flavours to the cooking process try using extracts as they help in enhancing more flavours. When less sugar is used for baking try using sweet spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg which can enhance the taste of dish with less sweetness.

Opt For Some Fruit Instead

Fruits contain natural sugars in them which are healthy for the body. As these sugars do not go any sort of processing unlike the regular white sugar so they do not add much calories to the diet when compared to those of other forms of sugar.

What Is Brown Sugar

It is basically a type of sugar and it has brown colour due to the presence of molasses in it. When compared with jaggery it has fewer minerals as jaggery has more minerals due to its processing and sources too. Brown sugar is healthier when compared with white sugar as it contains molasses and lower amounts of nutrients whereas white sugar completely lacks nutrients in it.

Benefits Of Brown Sugar

It has health benefits on the body as it helps in

  • Boosting the energy levels of the body
  • Helps in preventing cold and also helps in treating against various infections
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Improves digestion and reduces the flatulence in the body
  • Helps in improving the skin health and smooth texture

Brown Sugar And Weight Loss

Brown sugar is low in calories which doesn’t help in gaining weight much faster when compared with white sugar. It is a more healthier choice to prepare dishes with brown sugar when compared with white sugar. It also helps in boosting the metabolism of the body which helps for a better weight loss without sacrificing upon the sweetness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is honey a healthier alternative to sugar?

Yes honey is a healthier alternative to sugar as it does contain higher fructose levels which is low in glycemic index. Also because of its sweetness honey is consumed in smaller quantities and it has traces of nutrients in it too.

Is honey just as bad as table sugar?

When compared with honey sugar is higher on glycemic index it means to say that sugar increases the blood sugar levels more quickly being high in glycemic index when compared with honey. But honey has slightly more calories when compared with sugar so we have to consume in smaller amounts.

Is honey better than white sugar for weight loss?

Sugar has both glucose and fructose in it while honey has only fructose in it. Honey is better choice than white sugar because sugar has no nutritional value whereas honey does have.

Can honey help in gaining weight?

Honey if consumed in excess amounts it can raise the blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain too as it is high in sugar. Because of its sweetness it can even cause increase in appetite too.

What is the safest sweetener?

Natural sweeteners that are good for you are stevia, erythritol, natural sugar substitute and even xylitol.

Is honey good for your skin?

When coming to skin honey is used in treating many skin conditions because it has anti bacterial and anti septic properties. It also helps in keeping the skin moist and provides natural glow and softness to the skin.

Is brown sugar better than sugar?

As brown sugar and white sugar are processed differently brown sugar has darker colour because of presence of molasses in it. When compared with white sugar brown sugar has slightly more minerals which has benefits in it.

Why brown sugar is expensive when compared with white sugar?

Brown sugar requires slightly more processing when compared with white sugar. Brown sugar is refined white sugar with a molasses syrup mixed in it and then again dried. This addition of molasses gives a distinctive taste when compared with white sugar.

Is brown sugar healthy for weight loss?

When compared with white brown sugar is healthy for weight loss as it has lower calories when compared with it. Brown sugar helps in boosting the metabolism of the body which helps in weight loss. It should be consumed in moderate amounts.

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