Science-Based Weight Loss Hacks You Must Know

Science-Based Weight Loss Hacks You Must Know

The major key to weight loss is to follow a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It’s known that there is no shortcut to success. Science has even proved that crash diets and weight loss pills work just on a temporary basis. Here are some weight loss science based hacks will not only help to train the brain but help to override temptations as well.

In today’s article, you will get to know research-based weight loss hacks that will make your life easier and helps you to lose and maintain weight in long term.

1. Fruits and Veggies can be kept handy

It’s known that in order to beat cravings or to fill up snack requirements we splurge on sugar-filled candies or carb-dense snacks that will give just empty calories. This will also lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. Sweet fruits that are not only vitamin-rich but filled with fiber help to satisfy the sweet tooth. As fruits satisfy sweet cravings, veggies do the same for salty cravings.

The advantage of keeping handy combos at the kitchen counter such as baby carrots and nutty butter or a bowl of seasonal fruits helps to stay away from empty calories and leads to weight loss.

2. Mindful eating

It’s very important to experience the elements of food. These elements are usually missed out while using social media on phone. We knowingly gobble up hundreds of calories without any realization. Connecting emotionally with food helps to consider the sensations of sight, smell, taste, and texture. This hack is very good for emotional eaters. Mindful eating helps to listen body’s signal for hunger and satiety. This helps to avoid unknowingly calories which can lead to weight loss.

3. Chew food fully

If you think that you are going to race with food so as to win a competition, then unknowingly you consume way more calories than actually your body needs. The brain actually needs 20 minutes of time to register fullness. While having food one should focus on chewing food slowly and completely. When food is chewed slowly the eating speed reduces. This helps to reduce the number of calories which leads to weight loss.

4. Add spice

While cooking adds chili peppers and other spices. Research says a natural compound is present in pepper named capsaicin which works for speeding metabolism and makes us full. Add good spice to marinades along with soups and salad dressings. Spicy food helps in weight loss. This is because it reduces food cravings and increases energy expenditure.

5. Liquid calories should be avoided

The major culprits for weight gain are fancy coffee shakes, sodas, fruit juices, and beers. They cause weight gain due to empty calories. They are least filling on the side due to which they are eaten in large amounts. Liquid calories fiber and protein as well. Healthy alternatives are hot iced tea or plain coffee which boosts metabolism and leads to weight loss.

6. Consume water before meals

Before a meal consumes roughly half an hour before consuming a glass or two of water that will make you full faster. If this hack is followed for three meals a day then a person can cut down 225 to 270 calories from their daily diet which leads to weight loss.

7. Soup as a starter

A study at the university found that those who start their meals with a low-calorie broth can lower to about 20 percent calories from meals. Soups are also calorie loaded when cream and other fats are added to them. So, to avoid extra calories from fat choose veggie soups such as kale, white beans, mushrooms, and miso, which leads to weight loss.

8. Serve on small plates, Bowls, and glasses

Consuming food on bigger plates can cause to consume over food. A study conducted at Cornell University states that when cereals are served in large bowls can go down 16 percent more than those served in smaller bowls. The same goes for wine as well. In wide jumbo glasses people consume 12 percent more wine than in smaller glasses. Small servings reduce intake which leads to weight loss.

9. Include more protein sources in meal

It’s a scientifically backed weight loss tip to increase the quantity of protein in your diet. The reason is it keeps us full and satiated for a long and the urge to eat unhealthy foods is minimal. The body burns more calories while digesting protein in comparison with carbs and fats. Protein avoids overeating which leads to weight loss. Active individuals’ requirement is 2 grams per kg of body weight while sedentary individuals need 1.6 grams per kg of body weight.

10. Strength training for building muscle

When weight loss is done there is also a loss of body fat along with inevitably muscle tissue. This can be said that those who have lower body weight and muscle mass their metabolisms are slower and burn fewer calories. When a person trains the body with strength training they preserve lean muscle mass which serves as calorie burning powerhouse. The body burns calories while at rest also which leads to weight loss.

11. Indulge in more physical activity

Walking is considered as greatest weight loss hack. Even though is an underrated physical activity but it burns more calories when practiced. Walking is a type of step-counting activity that helps to suppress appetite. Walking prevents accidentally getting out of a calorie deficit. It can be easily practiced in the comfort of the zone without experiencing any muscle soreness. Physical activity leads to calorie burn, eventually weight loss.

12. Complete your sleep pattern

It’s common logic to sleep more and weigh less. If you sleep less it can actually ruin your weight loss efforts. When sleep is not completed a person feels less motivated to complete their training session due to lack of energy. Bad sleep could end up in bad eating habits as the brain craves more sugar, salty and fatty foods. It’s important to complete 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Bad sleep can lead to weight gain than weight loss.

13. Intermittent fasting can be tried out

intermittent fasting of the superior weight loss hacks to try out intermittent fasting. It’s because of its calorie deficit. It’s basically an eating pattern in which a person has to follow a restricted eating behavior. Although there are different eating patterns in it, the most followed one is the 16:8 method in which a person has to fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours which is regarded as excellent for weight loss.

14. Cut on alcohol

It’s a known weight loss hack to cut down on alcohol if you want to drop weight. The reason is alcohol is calorie-dense and gives about 7 calories per gram. Fat is a major calorie-dense macronutrient that gives 9 calories per gram. It’s common that when alcohol is consumed a person relishes it with chips and nuts which adds more calories to the picture. Cutting alcohol is an effective way to lose weight according to a science-based approach.

15. Eat more calories early in a day

A balance in calories is very important for weight loss. It’s one of the underrated weight loss hacks that have quite great importance. Calorie distribution is very important. Most calories should be consumed in breakfast and lunch. When greater calories are consumed a person feels

  1. Less hunger in a day.
  2. Fewer cravings for sweets throughout the day.
  3. A boosted overall energy level.

It’s a known backed-up weight loss hack to eat fewer calories at night as it helps in weight loss. Hand-in-hand exercise schedules should also be maintained to burn out calories consumed.

16. Take time off to prepare healthy meals

Fast food and restaurant service even though fast food served are worsened and calorie-rich. There are extra 190 calories in a day to a meal eaten. If calorie control has to maintain then prepare healthy meals at home with some effort. Don’t forget every bit counts leading to weight loss.

17. Don’t rush for weight loss

It’s a truth that losing weight is half a battle won. It’s a common practice to see that most people regain weight after a year back or 6 months after they had lost. This is a crucial weight loss hack to slow down while carrying your weight loss journey. A safe weight loss practice is one in which a person loses 0.45 to 0.9 kg per week. Losing more could be a health problem and gain back in no time.

18. Maintain consistency

Consistency is regarded as a king of weight loss hacks. No matter if you switch to any kind of diet it’s way more important to maintain consistency to see greater weight loss success.

19. Plan for ‘refeed’ days

While dieting it’s a common practice to adopt cheat meals. Many people feel ashamed after having cheat meals as if they have done something wrong. But there’s nothing to feel wrong about it. These cheat meals are referred to as ‘refeed meals’. The advantage of refeed meals is that the body greatly adapts to metabolic adaptations which helps to experience better appetite suppression, high energy expenditure, and increased performance.

All these weight loss hacks are science-based and greatly help to avoid the unknown hustle which one feels while carrying a weight loss journey.

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