How to Lose Thigh Fat At Home Naturally

How to Lose Thigh Fat At Home Naturally

There are two most problematic areas for women where fat deposition is most common. Its belly and thigh areas. People who have already been working on it might know the pain very well. It’s kind of a stubborn fat which needs much attention to lose. Overnight changes cannot be expected. Strong and toned legs are often desired by everyone. No matter what is going to be tough as requires a consistent focus on them.  

The main key here should be consistent and progressive training along with the incorporation of healthy lifestyle eating habits. Let’s know different ways.

1. Include specific thigh exercises 

The most common thigh workouts we usually practise are squats, lunges and deadlifts. They are great enough in order to tone down thigh muscles. But even after working on them, try to include abductors and adductors in your workout routine that works like next-level icing on the cake. Specific gym equipment helps it greatly.  

2.  Have some plans for toning thighs

Planning always helps to create a specific flow rather than random workouts. Go with three or four sets with repetitions of 8 to 12 with your favourite thigh workouts. Every week, it’s good to incorporate 2 days of thigh workouts with help of squats, lunges, hamstrings and glute bridges. Curtsy lunges, sumo squats, goblet squats, side raises, lateral lunges, and leg curls can be included in your routine. 

3. Use heavier weights for strength 

It’s great to focus on body composition. Once it reaches some level if you want to go for true toning then it’s very important to build up strength. Strength training could help greatly by incorporating some heavier weights into your routine. While practising squats and deadlifts focus on using different weights as per your body weights.

4. Reduce Salt Intake

Excess salt intake makes the body retain water. This in turn causes bloating issues and changes the shape of your specific body areas. If you want to see an immediate change in your clothes fitting then go with consuming less salt as water follows salt. therefore, less salt means less water retention.

5. Go with More Electrolytes

Calcium, magnesium, chlorides, and sodium- All are regarded as electrolytes. Having more electrolytes in your body will help with retaining less salt. foods rich in electrolytes such as bananas, yoghurt, and green leafy veggies should be included in the diet.

6. Lower Your Carbs 

During metabolic pathways, carbs are transformed into glycogen which gets stored in the liver and muscles along with water. The higher the carb intake in your diet, the more water gets stored in the body. Due to this reason while practising low carbs diet people tend to lose weight that easily. 75 to 100 grams of carbs can be taken alone every day. It even depends on a person’s weight, height and body composition. 

7. Sip Water Every Now and Then 

There are numerous benefits of drinking water. Drinking excess water actually helps in flushing out toxins, excess salt, and fluids which are not needed by the body. This greatly helps in reducing bloating. Water helps even to reduce unnecessary hunger cravings. 3 to 4 litres should be taken on every day. 

8. Include Some Cardio in Your Routine

Cardio workouts help to pump up your heart rate which easily helps in calorie burning. When a calorie deficit is created in the body then it comes quite easy to lose weight and also overall fat in your body. include different cardio moves so as to work on different areas of the body. 

9. Try Meal Tracking

While on a journey for fat loss, tracking meals through the daily records of the food you eat always helps. It’s only going to be possible when you do meal planning ahead of time. Indulging in your daily activities can make it difficult to track your food. So, planning always helps. 

10. Include more Fibre and Protein in the diet

Two most important macronutrients for weight loss are protein and fibre. When a meal is packed with protein and fibre, it helps to keep a person full and makes them consume fewer calories. Protein helps in building lean muscles which greatly helps to tone down thighs. Try including 25 to 30 grams of fibre along with 80 to 100 grams of protein in your diet on daily basis. 

11. Alternate your Workouts

While working on your thighs don’t go with repetitive workouts on a daily basis. According to many fitness experts, switching up workout moves always helps. Different workouts work on different body muscles in a different ways. Example: Front squats work for quads while back squats work for the glutes and hamstrings. In between practising weights, take heavier weights also as it helps to increase the strength of your legs.

12. HIIT Workouts are Always to Remember

To gain maximum benefits in short periods of time then go with combing strength training and weight lifting with HIIT. This actually helps to create a calorie deficit by burning excess fat in the body. Most importantly, it helps to increase energy burn while being at rest. This basically helps for higher intensities and helps with longer sustained periods. A higher calorie burn can be created with the combo of both strength and interval training. 

13. Prioritize your Sleep

As food is important for the body, even sleep is no less than that. Going with 8 to 9 hours of sleep actually prevents the body from making unhealthy food choices. When the body is deprived of sleep, appetite increases automatically. The body craves more carbs and fat the next day. When the body is deprived of sleep, it stores more energy as fat and becomes more insulin-resistant. Higher levels of insulin in the body lead to fat storage.  

14. Practise Cycling

Cycling helps to burn overall body fat and it’s just not for thighs. Lean body mass can be developed when fat and calories burned are maintained. But cycling should be practised consistently and with good progress. For beginners, cycling should be carried for half to one hour two times a week. As a progress, it can be continued for three to five times per week.  

15. Go For Walking

Practising walking over a period of time will definitely help a person lose weight. This is because walking helps to maintain energy balance throughout the day. Immediate results should not be expected. Waking can be a great fitness start for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or are prone to obesity.  

On practising over a period of time, walking helps to change the resting metabolism of the person as it helps to increase lean body mass. 30 minutes of the walk twice or thrice a week is good enough. On being highly energetic, go for long walks while feeling low go for shorter walks.  

16. Intensity Should be Increased

On practising the same kinds of workouts, the body cannot undergo any major change and the burning rate will even be the same. A progressive change in your workout session will make your legs super strong over a period of time. While practising strength training, a person can focus on an increasing number of reps and sets. Same way, while going for HIIT, the duration of the workout should be increased per week. 

17. Keep an Eye on Body Fat Percentages

Your body fat percentage gives your idea of overall body mass. There are smart scale measures that give you an idea about. This greatly helps in tracking your progress. DEXA scan which is an imaging body test gives you an overall outlook for your body composition. 

18. Find Relaxing Ways

Stress when exceeds in the body causes a change in hormonal balance. When stress levels increase in the body, it causes the body to store fat. So, ways should be found in order to destress oneself either by personal methods or by developing some stress-busting habits.

Wrap Up

Thigh transformation takes time. There are many diets and workout schedules which promise to yield quick and effective results within no time. But, do not forget every transformation requires time and consistency. Fat loss can be focused in a general way but workouts can really help to achieve those killer legs. Be patient and build a strong transformation for appearance.

1. What causes fat on the outer thighs? 

The main culprit of developing thigh fat is a sedentary lifestyle. Over a period of time, fat gets settled within the thighs. Being inactive in your physical activity is also the main root cause of fat deposition. Hence, practising a balanced diet along with regular physical activity will help to avoid unnecessary fat deposition on the thighs.

2. What foods cause thigh fat? 

Unhealthy food choices such as sodas, sugary drinks, bread, pastries, pasta, desserts, and white rice are the main root cause of thigh fat. In order to lose thigh fat, go with low carbs and higher protein so that a person feels satiated for longer time periods.

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